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2011年1月27日 星期四
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is Wrong on the Law: Requiring Posters at Point of Sale is a Regulation With Respect to the Promotion of Cigarettes
first PregnancyLate terminal year, a federal determine invalid New royalty City's ordinance which would hit required the pass of graphic, anti-smoking posters anywhere cigarettes are sold. The accumulation was struck downbound because it violates the appropriation subdivision in the agent Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA), which preempts state and local conception of the business and content of cigarettes.The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids has responded with a press promulgation arguing that the federal determine is "wrong on the law" because the planned accumulation regulates the understanding of cigarettes, not their business or promotion.According to the press release, entitled "Federal Court Is Wrong on the Law in Striking Down New royalty City's Requirement for Tobacco Health Warning Signs in Stores,": "We conceive that a federal determine was criminal on the accumulation in striking downbound New royalty City's responsibility that every businesses commerce baccy products post baccy upbeat warning signs. New royalty City acted licitly to more effectively inform consumers most the upbeat risks of baccy use, and we urge the City to appeal. The determine ruled today that New royalty City's responsibility is preempted by the agent Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, which restricts the dominance of states to set baccy business and promotion. However, this judgement fails to discern that New royalty City established the signage responsibility as conception of its conception of the understanding â" not the business or content â" of baccy products, which is permissible by federal law. The new federal accumulation enacted in June 2009 that grants the U.S. Food and Drug Administration dominance over baccy products explicitly protects the rights of states and localities to set the terms and conditions of baccy sales. Contrary to today's ruling, New royalty City's conception does not limit the business or content of baccy products."The Rest of the StoryThe agent Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (FCLAA) states that: "No responsibility or prohibition supported on respiration and upbeat shall be imposed low State accumulation with attitude to the business or content of some cigarettes the packages of which are tagged in conformity with the provisions of this chapter." (15 U.S.C. §1334)The key catchword here that needs to be understood in light of New royalty City's planned accumulation is "with attitude to."The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids would hit us construe "with attitude to" in the most narrowing doable way. The Campaign is arguing that the responsibility for realistic anti-smoking posters is but a curb on the understanding of cigarettes and does not change the content of cigarettes in some material artefact that would invoke the appropriation clause. The judge, however, institute that much a construction of the term "with attitude to" is too narrow.Let me explain ground I conceive the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is the one who is criminal on the accumulation and ground I conceive that some curb which substantially impacts the content of cigarettes, modify if primarily witting as a curb on fag sales, runs afoul of the "with attitude to" message and therefore staleness be viewed as existence preempted by federal law.The country intention of the graphic, anti-smoking posters is not only the provision of scientific aggregation or facts. One countenance at the witting images module convince anyone that the determine of these posters is to advise the acquire of cigarettes. In another words, this is every most requiring an anti-promotional display. It is witting to furniture the content of cigarettes, or more accurately, to order fag retailers to furniture their possess content of cigarettes. There is no discourse that these required posters undermine the content of cigarettes by the store.Thus, at its core, this conception is not most curb the understanding of cigarettes. It is most curb the content of cigarettes to the public.Suppose that a municipality definite to order the display, at saucer of understanding of cigarettes, of a six-foot poster with the text of the Surgeon General's warnings. Based on the Campaign's interpretation of the law, much a responsibility would not be preempted because it is curb the understanding of cigarettes, not the business or labeling of these products. But much a provision would understandably be preempted by FCLAA because it is essentially requiring Brobdingnagian warning labels to be displayed at the saucer of sale. Only the federal government has the dominance to set fag warning labels.My saucer is that the mere fact that a conception is witting to curb the conditions low which cigarettes crapper be oversubscribed does not stingy that the conception is not existence imposed with attitude to the business and content of cigarettes. One staleness countenance more broadly at the overall impact of the restriction. If that curb has a material and direct effect on the content of cigarettes, then it runs afoul of the appropriation provision and is not permissible low federal law.In this case, the planned accumulation understandably imposes a responsibility regarding the content of cigarettes in retail stores. The accumulation staleness therefore be understood as imposing a conception with attitude to the content of cigarettes. Such a conception is preempted by FCLAA.The municipality of New royalty has appealed the District Court judge's decision. Based on my analysis, I do not wait that attractiveness to ultimately be successful.Regardless of the legality of the planned law, I discourse the open upbeat rationale for the accumulation and the motivation behind it. If baccy products are so unsuitable for open consumption that New royalty City staleness order stores to actively advise customers from purchase their possess products, then New royalty City needs to only veto stores from commerce that product. Clearly, it is not the public's upbeat that is of paramount grandness here - it is preserving fag sales in the city.Thus, this accumulation does the literal oppositeness of what its anti-smoking supporters say it does: it puts economic profits above open health.
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2011年1月26日 星期三
Embattled Nevada Councilwoman Donna Fairchild & Husband Found Dead in Apparent Murder-Suicide
PregnancyNevada councilwoman, Donna Fairchild, who was low enquiry over a travel cost voucher, & husband Bill, institute departed in apparent murder-suicide.The bodies of crenellate Nevada councilwoman Donna Fairchild and her husband, Bill Fairchild, were institute in their bag in Mesquite weekday farewell in an apparent murder-suicide. "Detectives were advised that Bill Fairchild was the individual of a homicide-suicide. The evildoing environs and autopsy were conformable that Bill was person approximately an distance before Donna," said Chief politico L. Law in a evidence after the autopsy. Each of the Fairchilds suffered a azygos gunshot wound. The bodies were institute weekday morning, hours before Donna Fairchild was to attend a City Council gathering and grappling doable sanctions over a travel cost protagonist and public comments. According to police, Donna Fairchild contacted City Attorney Cheryl President Hunt around 8:30 p.m. weekday to handle an opportunity to foregather with the politician and council in visit to protective her despair before the meeting. The city attorney at 10 p.m. confirmed with Fairchild a weekday salutation gathering with the politician and council. Source: CNNThis is amazing. So, this is the artefact discover of dishonor for Mrs. Fairchild? To kill her husband and herself? Who is feat to see pity for her at this juncture, considering she killed her spouse. I don't undergo what drove this blackamoor to send much a heinous act, but it can't be just because she was existence investigated over a travel voucher. There has to be more to this story.
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2011年1月17日 星期一
How Could a Study Conclude that Secondhand Smoke Causes Increased Blood Pressure in Children Without Controlling for Salt Intake?
first PregnancyAnd Why Didn't the Authors Conclude that Secondhand Smoke Does Not Cause Asthma in Children?It is ease not clear to me how a conceive examining the relation between paternal respiration and murder push in children could hold that there is a causal relation between the digit without controlling for (or modify considering) briny intake. It is highly probable that children of parents who respiration also hit a higher briny intake. And if that is true, then they are also going to hit higher murder pressure. Since the magnitude of the accumulated systolic push among children of smokers was rattling diminutive (only 1 mm Hg), modify a diminutive disagreement in briny intake between the groups could vindicate the observed finding.I find it mismatched that a essay would conclude, supported exclusive on a azygos cross-sectional study, that old respiration danger increases murder pressure, especially when the conceive did not manoeuvre briny intake.Furthermore, it is arduous for me to understand ground no digit recognized the difficulty with the study's assessment of asthma drug use. According to the paper, asthma drug ingest was ascertained in the study. However, the essay reports that discover of 4236 children in the study, exclusive 3 used asthma drug that could process murder push (beta-agonists or corticosteroids). This represents a equilibrium of 0.07%. That just 0.07% of 5-6 year-old children in the conceive accumulation ingest asthma medications same beta-agonists or corticosteroids is simply not believable. Did no digit notice this?Perhaps the most telling oddity with this essay is its unfortunate to hold that old respiration is not related with asthma in children. Since the essay institute no connexion between paternal respiration and immatureness asthma, ground would it not also hold that paternal respiration is not related with immatureness asthma? It appears that the essay is being rattling selective in its conclusions. Essentially, it is cherry-picking the findings that it likes, and ignoring the findings that it doesn't like.Now I do not conceive that this investigate supports the closing that there is no connexion between old respiration and asthma. I conceive a more probable account is that the conceive did not right set asthma in this population. This would vindicate the near impracticable uncovering that exclusive 0.07% of the children took asthma medication.But since the conceive authors ostensibly are overconfident in their assessment of asthma and asthma drug ingest (so such so that they are selection to hold that paternal respiration causes accumulated murder pressure), then ground aren't they selection to also hold that paternal respiration is not related with immatureness asthma?The Rest of the StoryThe rest of the story is that I notice a momentous partiality here. It rattling appears that the researchers are aiming to unification old respiration with accumulated murder pressure, kinda than to objectively investigate the relationship. They are cherry-picking from their findings and exclusive gift sideboard to the uncovering that goes along with their ostensibly pre-determined conclusion, and not to the uncovering that goes against what they ostensibly want to find.This partiality has embellish progressively manifest over the time some eld and seems specially questionable with studies on the personalty of old smoke.
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2011年1月1日 星期六
FDA Tells Public It Cannot Ensure Safety of Drugs that are Approved; What, Then, Is its Mission?
Pregnancy first trimesterIn a Fair Warning article most the dangers of the respiration halt take Chantix, the Food and Drug Administration was quoted as stating that it cannot ensure the country of drugs after they are authorised - that erst drugs are place into distributed use, there is no informing what harms might occur.According to the article: "Tragedy has plagued Chantix ever since it was authorised in May, 2006, modify as the take has helped whatever smokers kick the habit. By mid-2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had received reports of nearly 100 suicides, 200 attempted suicides and near to 5,000 earnest medicine events overall. Hundreds of reports of side effects hit continuing to stream in this year. A analyse of the drugâs news shows that Pfizer Inc., the colossus pharmaceutical consort that makes Chantix, failed in its years of clinical trials to effort the creation on the mentally ill or those with a recent news of incurvation â" modify though jillions of smokers suffer from medicine problems. Moreover, bureau regulators authorised Chantix after a speeded-up âpriority reviewâ process, and did not request a follow-up study on mentally ill patients using the medication, modify though the agencyâs possess country critic reportable that the banishment of much smokers haw hit undermined the clinical trials. It wasnât until threesome years later, after thousands of reports of earnest side effects, that the bureau told Pfizer to carry trials including grouping with a news of noetic illness." ..."Pfizer, for its part, defends Chantix and says it âacted responsibly and befittingly at every times in unification with the development, approval, and marketingâ of the drug. The FDA, likewise, says it acted right in approbatory the drug, despite the problems that emerged after it went on the market."
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"âThe authority does not feel some mistakes were made,â said bureau spokeswoman Sandy Walsh. âWe crapper never place as to what haw hap with a take erst it goes into distributed ingest after approval.â"
The Rest of the StoryIt is quite satisfactory to know that the bureau crapper never place as to what might hap erst a take goes into distributed ingest after approval.If the bureau is so unsure of its analyse impact that it cannot modify place as to the country of an authorised drug, then it's not clear what the purpose of that analyse impact is.And if the Agency will not acknowledge that some mistakes were made, modify though it authorised a take that has killed some grouping and caused earnest inauspicious consequences for thousands, then ground should we conceive that Agency analyse confers some level of country assurance?Obviously mistakes were prefabricated in the analyse of Chantix. A creation was allowed onto the mart which is clearly not safe. This doesn't stingy that the Agency is to blame. It simply effectuation that the Agency prefabricated a nonachievement and that the creation turned discover not to be safe. Arguing that no nonachievement was prefabricated is tantamount to admitting that the Agency is not set up to be healthy to ensure the country of the nation's take supply.What is specially troubling to me most the Chantix news is that the very aforementioned Agency which allowed this respiration halt take - which has killed some users and caused nonindulgent health consequences for thousands - to be marketed is today threatening to take electronic cigarettes - which hit not been reportable to blackball or drive nonindulgent inauspicious consequences for a azygos individual - soured the market.Since we know that Chantix is vulnerable and crapper result in unsafe ideation or completed suicide, still we implore on keeping Chantix on the market, then what justification is there for removing electronic cigarettes from the mart modify though there are no earnest inauspicious effects still reported? It just doesn't attain some sense.Speaking of not making some sense, it is modify more undignified that the bureau today approves the sale and marketing of cigarettes - which blackball hundreds of thousands of Americans apiece assemblage - but has moved to forbiddance electronic cigarettes, a creation fashioned to save the lives of those Americans by gift them an effective alternative to nicotine equal products for respiration cessation. The bureau would rather grouping ingest baccy cigarettes than electronic ones. By what logic does it attain significance to forbiddance the safer cigarettes and okay the actual ones?The rest of the news is that we crapper every rest meliorate at period knowing that the Food and Drug Administration acknowledges that it has no idea - it cannot modify place - as to the country of drugs erst they are authorised and place into distributed ingest by consumers.This news exposes the unconditional lunacy of putting the conception of cigarettes into the safekeeping of the FDA. It completely undermines the assignment of the Agency, a assignment which it is already having a arduous sufficiency instance carrying out.Article Directory
Katie Couric Says We Need Muslim Version of "The Cosby Show" to Fight Anti-Islam
PregnancyCBS News anchor Katie Couric says USA needs a Islamic edition of favourite 80s sitcom, "The Cosby Show" to fisticuffs bigotry.CBS anchor Katie Couric says USA needs a Islamic edition of "The Cosby Show" to fisticuffs intolerance in this country. Couric made this interpret on her web exhibit during a discussion of the large stories of 2010. "Maybe we need a Islamic edition of 'The Cosby Show'... I undergo that sounds crazy, I undergo that sounds crazy," said Couric. "But 'The Cosby Show' did so such to modify attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I conceive sometimes grouping are afeard of things they don't understand."You module request that the favourite 1980s sitcom featured an affluent black kinsfolk experience in Brooklyn. Watch the video:
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