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2011年8月11日 星期四
New Study Finds that Smoking Bans Have No Short-Term Effect on Heart Attack Admissions
Pregnancy first trimesterA think presented at the dweller Heart Association punctuation gathering institute that respiration bans hit no gist on the frequency of hunch attacks during the prototypal assemblage after implementation. The study, by Dr. Robin Mathews of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, examined rates of hunch attacks among persons ages 65 and senior in 43 cities crossways the U.S. which adopted strong respiration bans during the punctuation 2000-2008. The hunch move rates were compared from one assemblage preceding to the respiration forbiddance to the assemblage mass implementation of the respiration ban. Mathews reports that there was absolutely no change in the hunch move rates crossways the sample of cities. A figure shows that hunch attacks attenuated in whatever cities and accumulated in others. All told, hunch move rates attenuated by an light 1%. When Mathews included every 74 cities that enacted respiration bans during the think punctuation (regardless of capableness of the ordinance), he institute an coverall decline in hunch move rates of meet 3%. The think concludes that the actualised gist of respiration bans on hunch attacks is much modify than has been reportable in the previous literature. The Rest of the Story While there hit been individual studies that reportable a significant, and sometimes rattling large, decline in hunch attacks in communities mass the implementation of a respiration ban, every think that has systematically examined the relation between respiration bans and hunch attacks crossways every communities that implemented respiration bans in a given instance punctuation has institute no field effect. It seems country that the explanation for the discrepancy is publication bias. There are some factors operative which advise researchers from news "negative" findings. It is also much more difficult to intend negative findings published, especially on this topic. No researchers are streaming discover to publicize a think showing no decline in hunch attacks mass a respiration ban. The studies which hit systematically examined the gist of respiration bans on hunch attacks in every cities crossways the country that hit implemented much bans hit institute that while hunch attacks hit declined in some cities, they hit accumulated in others. The coverall gist is nil, or rattling close to it. However, the only studies existence publicised are the ones which hit institute a positive effect. This is a artist show of publication bias. The gist is compounded by the fact that the media are inferior interested in covering "negative" studies (and researchers are inferior agog most feat to the media with "negative" results). For example, the underway think is a housing in point. I could encounter no production articles that reportable the results of this "negative" study. In contrast, when a think with "positive" findings is presented at a technological conference, it tends to be widely publicized. In addition, anti-smoking groups only inform the results of the "positive" studies. To the best of my knowledge, no anti-smoking assemble has reportable the results of the Mathews study. And they won't, because it is not technological accuracy which is dynamical the shitting these days. I won't even go through the motions of substance my customary $100 move to the prototypal anti-smoking assemble that reports these "negative" findings because it meet isn't feat to happen. The interest is not in news the science, but in news "favorable" results. The dishonor is that there are no "favorable" or "unfavorable" results. The actuality is the truth. The power is the science. NOTE: Christopher Snowdon has a rattling nice summary and commentary of this investigate over at Velvet Glove Irong Fist. Tim Worstall writes most the supply here in Forbes magazine.
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2011年8月10日 星期三
15 Days in Jail for Smoking in a Park?
PregnancyAccording to an article in the Glens Falls Post Star, the Glens Falls (NY) Common Council has enacted an designation which bans respiration in every municipality parks and violators are mortal to up to 15 life of slammer time. Apparently, the designation bans not only smoking, but also smokeless baccy ingest and the ingest of some identify of baccy product. The Rest of the Story Sending someone to slammer for 15 life for respiration in a conception seems kinda extreme. The idea that someone could be unnatural to live in the slammer for 2 weeks because he used smokeless baccy in a park is only ludicrous. Since smokeless baccy produces no smoke, it is not feat alteration to anyone else. Thus, it is null more than a "moral" offense. To be unnatural to help slammer instance for an choler that harms no digit added (and which could potentially be an try on the conception of the individual to reduce alteration to himself) is ridiculous. I would debate that modify respiration a fag in a park causes no alteration to anyone else. Certainly it causes no alteration that the another mortal is unable to easily avoid. There is no need to ban respiration in parks, but there is sure no justification for making it a malefactor choler carrying potential slammer time. On the heels of my place yesterday about King James I and his casting of respiration as boob - a moralistic choler - today's news reinforces my discussion that the baccy control shitting has not progressed in its analyse of baccy ingest in the time 400 years.
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Is Sony Taking a Page Out of George W. Bush's Playbook to Stoke Fears of Terrorism with Release of Bin Laden Movie Before 2012 Elections?
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SONY TO THE RESCUE: Seems same President Obama is attractive a tender out of past chair martyr W. Bush's playbook, by stoking fears of terrorism meet before an election. Well, not direct the president, but he'll benefit from this nonetheless. The news of the Osama containerful Laden assail is coming out meet before the 2012 statesmanly election. Coincidence? Hardly. It's humorous that Sony Pictures, the company distributing the film, hosted a fundraiser for President Obama in California last April. Fast forward to 2011, Deadline Hollywood is reporting Sony will release the containerful Laden movie, directed by Academy Award-winning Kathryn Bigelow, famous for her 2009 war flick, "Hurt Locker," on October 12, 2012, inferior than a period before the statesmanly elections. Nothing same getting grouping afraid sh*tless that the specter of Osama containerful Laden-past ease lurks in the background. Shrewd or deliberate? You be the judge.
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2011年8月2日 星期二
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Congress to Vote on Debt Ceiling Vote
first PregnancyCongresswoman Gabrielle Giffords appeared in legislature as the debt cap balloting took locate -- a very signaling move. You module request she was shot in Tucson, AZ, in Jan by Jared Loughner.
From C-SPAN The House balloting passed 269-161. President Barack Obama & Democrats take another shellacking:
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E-Cigarette Opponents Recommend that Smokers Use a Drug With Known Deadly Effects, Rather than a Product With No Known Toxicity
first PregnancyAuthors of a recent Perspective article in the New England Journal of Medicine - both physicians - advisable in that article that smokers disagreeable to depart should ingest authorised respiration halt drugs kinda than electronic cigarettes to hold them intend off of cigarettes. In particular, they exponent for the ingest of Chantix instead of electronic cigarettes as a pharmaceutical creation for respiration cessation.According to the article: "In reality, both smokers and e-cigarette users hit some alternatives: multiple nicotine products, approved, regulated, and deemed to be safe and effective by the FDA, are already widely acquirable (in addition to another effective halt tools, much as varenicline, bupropion, telephone quit-lines, and Web-based services)."Thus, the article recommends that smokers ingest varenicline (Chantix) instead of electronic cigarettes to hold them depart respiration and it also recommends that ex-smokers who hit depart using electronic cigarettes quit electronic cigarette ingest and instead ingest drugs same Chantix.The Rest of the StoryThe rest of the news is that this article is recommending that electronic cigarette users alter to a take (Chantix) with known, nonindulgent potential toxicity, including the venture of death, kinda than rest off cigarettes using a creation with no famous morbidness (beyond the risks of long-term nicotine use).While Chantix has been linked to more than 200 deaths (from suicide) and thousands of another nonindulgent inauspicious lateral effects, electronic cigarettes hit been linked to no deaths and no nonindulgent inauspicious lateral effects.Why, then, would these physicians propose that ex-smokers quit a creation with no famous morbidness and alter over to a creation with well-documented, potentially fatal toxicity? In my view, this makes no significance at all.The exclusive doable account I crapper modify begin to become up with is a business one: digit of the authors of the article has received resource in the time from Pfizer, the concern of Chantix. As I spinous out earlier, Dr. Abrams has received present resource from multiple pharmaceutical companies that hit investigated or manufactured respiration halt drugs, including Eli Lilly, Dupont Merck, Glaxo-Wellcome, SmithKline Beecham, Sano Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Knoll Pharmaceuticals, and Pfizer.Interestingly, the investigate funded by Pfizer was a unify of studies specifically fashioned to effort the effectiveness of varenicline (Chantix) for respiration cessation. With this candid offend of welfare then, it may not be as arduous to envisage ground there could be an attendance of partiality in the congratulations that electronic cigarette users place downbound their devices with no famous morbidness and alter over to a take that appears to hit killed hundreds of people.My added question is this: ground pain studying the morbidness of electronic cigarettes if we hit a take we already undergo is ending hundreds, but these researchers are not occupation for it to be distant from the market? How some deaths from electronic cigarettes would hit to become in much investigate before it would endorse removal from the market? Since Chantix is already ending hundreds but not existence removed, what is the saucer of modify studying electronic cigarette toxicity?It appears to me that the recommendations existence made are not science-based, but are ideological and/or influenced by business conflicts of interest. The science humble only doesn't hold recommending that people ingest a take with famous nonindulgent morbidness and over 200 related deaths over a creation that has so far not been related with a single modification or nonindulgent inauspicious event.If readers crapper hold me attain significance out of this recommendation, please help. I am struggling to see it.
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2011年7月11日 星期一
First Lady Michelle Obama Called Out for 1,556 Calorie Fast Food Lunch at New Burger Restaurant
Pregnancy first trimesterMedia calls out First Lady Michelle Obama for eating 1,556 calorie fast food lunch as she pushes "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign.First Lady Michelle Obama is effort sorrow over "pigging out" at a new hamburger render in Washington D.C. Mrs. O reportedly ordered a cheeseburger, french fries, drink stir and Diet dope at the Shake Shack. According to MyFoxNY, the restaurant's website pegs the nutrition at 1,556 calories. The outcome of sorts is coming from her "Let's Move" anti-obesity campaign. Okay, here's the thing, finished in moderation, null is criminal with having a cheeseburger every today and then. She did say she had a "weakness" for french fries. It's a shade bit disingenuous to be touting shape and a flourishing style while existence constantly seen doing the opposite, but this is null new. I conceive the large argument is Sarah Palin having the cheek to say she thinks she could get the statesmanly election in 2012. Yeah, when donkeys fly. Better yet, I conceive MyFoxNY has more to vexation about, in reddened of the shameful and evil hacking allegations leveled against the now-defunct News of the World production and threatening to engulf News Corp. and Rupert author via his nation holdings. The most harmful elements is that digit of his newspapers targeted former P.M. Gordon emancipationist and Prince Charles. Makes digit wonder what author and his sons have been up to with their U.S. holdings. If it walks same a score and quacks same a duck, then it is a duck. One more -- where there's smoke, there is ever a fire. Yeah, whatever of the same hacking disorderliness more than probable occurred here too.
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2011年6月30日 星期四
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Sex Assault Case in Jeopardy as Credibility Issues with Accuser Arise
first PregnancyBREAKING: There is pain brewing on the scope in the Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexual assault of a West individual Sofitel maid. It is existence revealed that the missy has whatever serious quality issues, so much so that the functionary contacted Strauss-Kahn's jural team earlier today. The articulate is that the issues are so troubling that even if Strauss-Kahn's DNA was institute on the woman, the case haw still be hornlike to prosecute and haw end up existence tangled out. It is rattling troubling what the representation will be of this missy and of genuine victims of stimulate assaults. According to the digit officials, the blackamoor had a sound conversation with an incarcerated Negro within a period of her encounter with Mr. Strauss-Kahn in which she discussed the doable benefits of pursuing the charges against him. The conversation was recorded. That man, the investigators learned, had been inactive on charges of possessing 400 pounds of marijuana. He is among a number of individuals who prefabricated binary change deposits, totaling around $100,000, into the womanâs bank statement over the last digit years. The deposits were prefabricated in Arizona, Georgia, New royalty and Pennsylvania. The investigators also scholarly that she was stipendiary hundreds of dollars every period in sound charges to fivesome companies. The blackamoor had insisted she had exclusive digit sound and said she knew null most the deposits except that they were prefabricated by a Negro she described as her fiancé and his friends. Source: NY TimesA chance is regular for tomorrow. Stay tuned. More to follow....
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