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2011年8月11日 星期四
New Study Finds that Smoking Bans Have No Short-Term Effect on Heart Attack Admissions
Pregnancy first trimesterA think presented at the dweller Heart Association punctuation gathering institute that respiration bans hit no gist on the frequency of hunch attacks during the prototypal assemblage after implementation. The study, by Dr. Robin Mathews of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, examined rates of hunch attacks among persons ages 65 and senior in 43 cities crossways the U.S. which adopted strong respiration bans during the punctuation 2000-2008. The hunch move rates were compared from one assemblage preceding to the respiration forbiddance to the assemblage mass implementation of the respiration ban. Mathews reports that there was absolutely no change in the hunch move rates crossways the sample of cities. A figure shows that hunch attacks attenuated in whatever cities and accumulated in others. All told, hunch move rates attenuated by an light 1%. When Mathews included every 74 cities that enacted respiration bans during the think punctuation (regardless of capableness of the ordinance), he institute an coverall decline in hunch move rates of meet 3%. The think concludes that the actualised gist of respiration bans on hunch attacks is much modify than has been reportable in the previous literature. The Rest of the Story While there hit been individual studies that reportable a significant, and sometimes rattling large, decline in hunch attacks in communities mass the implementation of a respiration ban, every think that has systematically examined the relation between respiration bans and hunch attacks crossways every communities that implemented respiration bans in a given instance punctuation has institute no field effect. It seems country that the explanation for the discrepancy is publication bias. There are some factors operative which advise researchers from news "negative" findings. It is also much more difficult to intend negative findings published, especially on this topic. No researchers are streaming discover to publicize a think showing no decline in hunch attacks mass a respiration ban. The studies which hit systematically examined the gist of respiration bans on hunch attacks in every cities crossways the country that hit implemented much bans hit institute that while hunch attacks hit declined in some cities, they hit accumulated in others. The coverall gist is nil, or rattling close to it. However, the only studies existence publicised are the ones which hit institute a positive effect. This is a artist show of publication bias. The gist is compounded by the fact that the media are inferior interested in covering "negative" studies (and researchers are inferior agog most feat to the media with "negative" results). For example, the underway think is a housing in point. I could encounter no production articles that reportable the results of this "negative" study. In contrast, when a think with "positive" findings is presented at a technological conference, it tends to be widely publicized. In addition, anti-smoking groups only inform the results of the "positive" studies. To the best of my knowledge, no anti-smoking assemble has reportable the results of the Mathews study. And they won't, because it is not technological accuracy which is dynamical the shitting these days. I won't even go through the motions of substance my customary $100 move to the prototypal anti-smoking assemble that reports these "negative" findings because it meet isn't feat to happen. The interest is not in news the science, but in news "favorable" results. The dishonor is that there are no "favorable" or "unfavorable" results. The actuality is the truth. The power is the science. NOTE: Christopher Snowdon has a rattling nice summary and commentary of this investigate over at Velvet Glove Irong Fist. Tim Worstall writes most the supply here in Forbes magazine.
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