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2010年11月15日 星期一
Health Agencies Boast of Dramatic Impact of New Cigarette Warning Labels
first PregnancyThe bureau terminal hebdomad declared a program of new, realistic warning labels that module presently materialize on fag packs and advertisements. These warning labels are mandated by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act enacted by legislature in 2009.In announcing the newborn warning labels, both the bureau and its parent agency - the Department of Health and Human Services - widely proclaimed that this participation would hit a hammy gist on both youngness and grown smoking.The nous of the Department of Health and Human Services proclaimed: "Today marks an important mark in protecting our children and the upbeat of the dweller public."A advise release from the Department of Health and Human Services stated that "these upbeat warnings on cigarettes and in fag advertisements module be the most momentous modify in more than 25 years."The nous of the bureau boasted that: "When the conception takes effect, the upbeat consequences of respiration module be manifest every instance someone picks up a arrange of cigarettes."The Rest of the StoryIn my view, patch these warning labels haw hit a marginal gist in terms of exciting whatever smokers to quit, the coverall effect module be minimal. Smokers are already alive of the bruising consequences of respiration and obligation of knowledge of the upbeat personalty is not a momentous factor in explaining ground jillions of Americans move to respiration or ground youths begin smoking. Research shows that warning labels hit a restricted effect on respiration behavior.By the instance smokers wager the warning labels, they hit already made the selection to respiration and are already highly chronic to cigarettes, for the most part. Reinforcing the inauspicious upbeat consequences does rattling little to enhance the smoker's knowledge to overcome this addiction.Financial analysts materialize to concord with my assessment, kinda than with that of the federal government. According to an article at, a sort of hit analysts all concord that the warning labels are going to hit a marginal effect, at best, on fag sales:"Morningstar (MORN) shrink prince Gorham doesnât wait the rules to speed up the 3%-a-year fall in baccy sales. "Obviously this isn't a beatific utilization for the baccy industry," he said. "But if you verify the U.K. as an example -- where much warning signs hit been on packs for a while, modify including pictures of unhealthy lungs -- then it doesn't modify obligation all that much.""Schaeffer's Research shrink Ryan Detrick said respiration addiction can't be busted with the constituent newborn warning labels. "I don't wager how this module modify smokers' perceptions." Middleswart doesnât wait the rules to perceive income at companies much as Altria, Lorillard (LO) and Reynolds dweller (RAI), which hit been carrying less-graphic warning labels for years. prince moneyman International (PM), which sells cigarettes right the U.S., is also probable to be unscathed.""Gorham said the labels aren't the prizewinning strategy for curbing smoking. "The single most trenchant way to reduce respiration is still finished upbringing prices," he said."Congress, of course, eschewed the strategy that Gorham titled most trenchant - upbringing the outlay of cigarettes and allocating the revenues to battleful anti-smoking media campaigns - and instead chose to work around the margins. This was a well-chosen political strategy, as it protects fag sales, ensuring that fag set revenues and baccy consort settlement payments to states module remain high, patch making it materialize that politicians actually care most reaction youngness and grown smoking.Philip moneyman has been quite unhearable regarding the warning labels. Obviously, the consort is not likewise afraid most the effect of these newborn labels on fag sales. In fact, these warning labels wage an immense benefit to the baccy companies: virtual status from newborn lawsuits. With these realistic warning labels on the packs, no commission module encounter it needed to impose punitive restitution on the fag companies. This essentially ends the proceedings threat and is a field reason ground prince moneyman was selection to earmark the warning label supplying in the bureau baccy legislation.The real threat to the baccy industry would hit come from eliminating the warning labels on the packs, and thus inaugural up the companies to devastating lawsuits. legislature chose the weaker move of requiring mildly stronger warning labels but completely immunizing the baccy companies from any individual of serious financial damage in forthcoming litigation.While the bureau and HHS had null to do with the selection to equal this anaemic national baccy curb strategy, it is black that they tie the politicians in spewing out this increased rhetoric most how these marginal policies equal a Brobdingnagian mark in protecting our children and the upbeat of the dweller public. What they support to protect are the profits of prince moneyman and other field fag companies.
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