2011年5月25日 星期三

Anti-Smoking Researchers Tell Public that Marlboro Virginia Blend Cigarettes are Safer than Regular Marlboros, Camels, Kools, Winstons, and Dorals

PregnancyFraudulent Statements for Which Tobacco Companies Were Found Guilty Under RICO Statute are Now Being Made by Tobacco Control ResearchersIn a sensational development, anti-tobacco researchers - including a member of the bureau Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC) - are today informing the open that a portion variety of Marlboro cigarettes (Marlboro Colony blend) is safer than whatever another brands of cigarettes on the market, including lawful Marlboros, Marlboro primary blend, Marlboro combining No.27, Marlboro combining No. 54, Marlboro uncreased menthol, Basic, Camel, Winston, Kool, Pall Mall, Newport, and Doral.Specifically, these baccy curb researchers are asserting that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer than whatever another fag brands because they include modify levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), which reduces the venture of cancer among smokers of this fag brand.The researchers inform that the coverall take of TSNAs in Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes is exclusive 76 ng/cigarette, compared to 398 in Marlboro flooded flavor, 353 in Marlboro primary blend, 371 in Marlboro combining No. 27, 572 in Marlboro combining No. 54, 386 in Marlboro uncreased menthol, 514 in Basic, 301 in Camel flooded flavor, 424 in Winston flooded flavor, 327 in Kool separate kings, 279 in Pall Mall flooded flavor, 467 in Doral, and 340 in Newport.Furthermore, the researchers insist that "higher levels of TSNA in fag respiration are related with a higher venture of cancer in smokers."Thus, these researchers are asserting that the modify levels of TSNA present in Marlboro Viriginia combining cigarettes are related with a modify venture of cancer, and therefore, a safer fag compared to every the another brands tested in their study.The researchers wind prince Morris, painter American, and Lorillard for failing to turn the levels of TSNAs in their cigarettes over the time threesome decades, calling this unfortunate a "remarkable neglect" by the baccy industry.In contrast, the researchers congratulate the river fag manufacturers for cloudy TSNA levels in their cigarettes. The researchers call on the bureau to order a change in TSNA levels in American-made cigarettes.Source: Stepanov I, Knezevich A, Zhang L, Watson CH, Hatsukami DK, author SS. Carcinogenic tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines in U.S. cigarettes: Three decades of remarkable neglect by the baccy industry. Tobacco Control 2011. Published online ahead of print. doi 10.1136/tc.2010.042192.The Rest of the StoryIf prince moneyman were to attain the exact aforementioned declaration as these baccy curb researchers, it would verify every of most five transactions before the consort would be attacked by anti-smoking groups for continuing its decades of humbug and dissimulation of the open most the verify that whatever brands of cigarettes are safer by morality of modify conveying of destined cyanogenic constituents.In fact, the earth baccy companies were institute blameable of fraudulent state low the RICO enactment for making rattling much the aforementioned verify that these anti-tobacco researchers attain today in their article: that destined brands of cigarettes are safer based on their modify conveying of limited carcinogens.In my opinion, the declaration by these researchers, if attending in whatever installation another than a investigate article, would be fraudulent. It would be lowercase different from the dissimulation of which we in baccy curb hit attacked the baccy companies.Let's grappling the facts. If I were, today, to attain a grounds on my blog that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer than Camel cigarettes, I would be essentially blameable of fraud. Certainly, I would be blameable of making a fraudulent claim. The verify would also be damaging, because it could take whatever smokers to conceive that the cigarettes they are respiration are safer. I crapper assure my readers that I would not attain much a verify unless I had rattling solid grounds to backwards it up.But this is exactly the verify that these researchers are making today!They are asserting that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer than Camel cigarettes and a patron of another brands because they hit much modify levels of TSNAs and thence turn cancer risk. They are asserting that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are inferior carcinogenic than another brands of cigarettes. They are also asserting that river cigarettes are mostly safer than U.S. cigarettes.This is a first, as far as I am aware. I hit never before witnessed anti-smoking researchers or advocates verify that digit variety of baccy cigarettes on the mart is whatever safer than another brand.Ironically, prince moneyman has had the plainness to chorus from candidly and accurately informing consumers of its Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes that: "In the instrument of whatever anti-smoking researchers, this is a safer fag because it reduces your venture of cancer."The glaring damage in the rational of this think is that TSNAs are exclusive digit of the whatever (more than 60) carcinogens in baccy smoke, and it is not necessarily the case that reaction TSNAs module turn coverall cancer risk. For example, it is all doable that the process of reaction TSNAs results in an process in the take of whatever another carcinogens.In fact, there is brawny grounds that this in indeed the case. One of the prime strategies for reaction TSNAs is movement from burley to flue-cured tobacco. While this does termination in modify TSNA levels, it also appears to process levels of benzo(a)pyrene and tar. Since bitumen and benzo(a)pyrene are also involved in cancer risk, it is all doable that reduced TSNA cigarettes could process cancer risk. We exclusive do not know.Moreover, the fag respiration TSNA yields were unnatural using a respiration machine, not a real person. It is an unwise extrapolation to assume that the yields derived by a organisation are feat to be the aforementioned as those produced by an actualised smoker, who may process respiration intensity (puff intensity and turn smoked) in salutation to decreases in destined constituents in the cigarette.Just as it would be irresponsible, fraudulent, and illegal for prince moneyman to verify that its Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer than whatever another fag brands, I conceive it is also slaphappy and outside for those of us in baccy curb to insist that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are inferior carcinogenic than another brands.The bureau would be well-advised not to follow the researchers' recommendations here because much an state would essentially turn to a agitate of the fraudulent baccy business verify of the time that cigarettes which hit modify amounts of whatever essential are safer than another brands from Big Tobacco over to the federal government. There is exclusive no technological hold for much an assertion. Thus, there is no technological hold for much a regulation. I wish this type of rational does not attain its artefact over to the TPSAC.What a tragedy it would be if the bureau did order the cloudy of TSNA levels, forcing baccy companies to desert burley baccy and alter to another blends which - though producing modify TSNA cigarettes - also produced cigarettes with higher yields of benzo(a)pyrene and another carcinogens, resulting in an coverall process in cancer venture among the population.Of note, the researchers in this think did not measure whatever another carcinogens (other than TSNAs). Thus, I don't wager how they crapper insist that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer.Not exclusive are these researchers asserting that Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes are safer than another brands, but they are also asserting that digit crapper think the carcinogenicity of whatever two brands of cigarettes exclusive by examining their TSNA content. Thus, for example, they are asserting that though not as safe as Marlboro Colony combining cigarettes, Camel No. 9 menthols are inferior carcinogenic than Marlboro flooded savor cigarettes.Can you envisage R.J. painter displaying ads in retail stores notifying the open that: "In the instrument of anti-tobacco researchers, Camel No. 9 menthol cigarettes display a modify cancer venture than Marlboro flooded savor cigarettes. As a baccy company, we attain no much assertion. We inform the open that they should be guided by the opinions of open upbeat professionals. We defer to the opinions spoken by these professionals."It is astonishing that the baccy companies aren't already having a earth period with these assertions in this publicised article.I should add that this dissimulation - today being practiced by baccy curb practitioners kinda than by baccy companies - is not just attractive locate in the U.S. It is occurring internationally, as the implementing bodies for the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control are also proposing regulations on the TSNA content of cigarettes, which could potentially lead to an process in coverall cancer risk, but at best would be a guinea pig experiment on the concern accumulation accompanied by an tacit fraudulent declaration of qualifying safety compared to senior cigarettes.I cannot help but close this example by speculating as to the reasons ground these think authors would attain much an unfounded assertion, digit that if prefabricated by baccy companies instead of anti-smoking advocates would directly alter vicious attacks and most certainly, a rash of lawsuits.My exclusive speculation is that anti-smoking advocates ofttimes hit so much zeal and selection to move the baccy companies that this zeal crapper obscure technological judgment. Apparently, the inexplicit "purpose" of this think was to exhibit that TSNA levels hit not attenuated over time and therefore, that the baccy companies hit sworn whatever variety of irresponsible, negligent act. If you feature the whole paper, you'll wager that this is indeed the inexplicit postulate of the paper.So if you begin from a function of wanting to move the baccy companies, I presume that when you indeed encounter that TSNA levels hit not declined, your prototypal intellection is to move the baccy companies and accuse them of "neglect," kinda than to actualise that if the baccy companies had condemned your advisable state and advertised their products as safer because of modify TSNA yields, those rattling aforementioned companies would hit been attacked by anti-smoking advocates for dishonorable the dweller people and likely, would hit faced a assemblage of lawsuits for fraudulent dissimulation of consumers.The rest of the story, then, is that in their manifest zeal to move the baccy companies, anti-smoking researchers hit prefabricated outside and groundless technological assertions that are damaging to the public's appreciation of the hazards of respiration and of the demand of existence of whatever incontrovertibly safer variety of baccy cigarettes in the underway market.What is modify more sensational to me, however, is that though anti-smoking researchers are apparently pronto selection to insist that whatever fag brands are safer than others, they are not selection to entertain modify the possibility that whatever non-combusted, non-tobacco products (such as electronic cigarettes) are safer than combusted baccy products much as the ones that were investigated in this study.ADDENDUM (May 25, 2010 - 3:30 pm): Just moments ago, the bureau free warning letters to a sort of baccy retailers, declaring them blameable of upbeat humbug for implying that their products are safer than another baccy products on the market. The bureau asserted that: "To date, no baccy products hit been scientifically proven to turn venture of tobacco-related disease, meliorate safety or drive inferior harm than another baccy products." In reddened of this country grounds by the FDA, perhaps they should also send a warning letter to the authors of this investigate article, since the assertions in this article equal "health fraud"according to the FDA.Pregnancy care
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