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2011年6月30日 星期四
Sincerity of New York City Park Smoking Ban Comes Into Question after Just One Ticket Issued in First Month
Pregnancy first trimesterAfter digit full month of enforcement, New royalty City's park respiration forbiddance has resulted in the noble total of digit ticket, according to an article in the Daily Mail.According to the article: "It was questionable to be comprehensive governing covering 1,700 parks and 14 miles of coastline. But New Yorkâs forbiddance on respiration in open places has been branded an 'absolute joke' after meet digit listing was issued in the prototypal month of the accumulation reaching into force. Newly-released accumulation shows that since May 23, around 700 grouping hit been approached by cops for illumination up where they shouldn't hit done. Of those meet digit has actually been given a listing - and he was a artist who was urging officers into doing so." ..."Ida Sanoff, from metropolis Beach, Brooklyn, said: 'The newborn respiration accumulation is an absolute joke.' She said: 'I hit asthma and there are life when I've had to move my lead three times because people, sometimes in groups, sat downbound near me and started respiration same chimneys. She told the Wall Street Journal that she has even seen grouping commerce cigarettes on the beach since the forbiddance came in. 'It doesn't attain significance to put a accumulation into locate without some artefact of enforcing it. Why bother?' she said."The Rest of the StoryThis leads me to discourse the naturalness of the upbeat activists in trying to persuade us that respiration in parks is a substantial open upbeat jeopardize that is feat such momentous upbeat problems that it requires polity intervention.If you conceive that an designation violation represents a earnest threat to the upbeat of innocent bystanders, then you oblige that ordinance. If you genuinely conceive in the cause, then you should conceive in it sufficiency to oblige it. And the most important period to oblige it is period 1. Once you ordered a illustration by not fining anyone, the accumulation loses its teeth and everyone comes to wager that it is essentially a show-piece, not a earnest example of upbeat protection.When we implemented Boston's smoke-free edifice accumulation the prototypal period it came into effect, we aggressively inspected establishments and levied fines that very day. We meant business, because the pretense for the accumulation was that it was needed to protect the lives and upbeat of edifice workers. If you conceive in that premise, then you staleness also conceive that it is essential to oblige the accumulation because lives are at stake.Clearly, New royalty City upbeat officials are not concerned that much another than richness is at wager because they don't wager respiration in a park as worthy anything more than a warning.To be clear, I concord with those officials. However, they shouldn't hit deceived us in the prototypal locate by arguing - before the accumulation went into gist - that it was needed to come a earnest open upbeat problem.I conceive Ida Sanoff of metropolis Beach is quite right. If you're not going to oblige a law, if you don't conceive in it sufficiency to oblige it, then ground represent it in the prototypal place?When near comes to shove, I conceive that upbeat advocates are now essentially acknowledging that this was mostly a feel-good designation and that it doesn't come some severe open upbeat hazard. Thus, enforcement is (rightly) not a priority.Why weren't the upbeat groups honest with us before the designation was passed?
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