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2010年9月28日 星期二
Members of TPSAC Acknowledge There is No Science Base to Support Redution of Nicotine as Measure to Have Profound Effect on Tobacco-Related Disease
first PregnancyThree members of the bureau Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC), in an article publicised in the underway supply of Tobacco Control, pass the lack of a technological foundation for mandating baritone nicotine levels as a effectuation to attain a intense change of tobacco-related morbidity and mortality (see: Hatsukami DK, Perkins KA, LeSage MG, Ashley DL, Henningfield JE, Benowitz NL, Backinger CL, Zeller M. Nicotine change revisited: power and forthcoming directions. Tobacco Control 2010;19:e1-e10).The essay reviews the technological foundation for the intent of requiring reductions in nicotine levels in cigarettes. The bureau Tobacco Act allows the Agency to reduce, but not to eliminate nicotine in cigarettes. Anti-smoking groups, such as the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the dweller person Society, hit boasted that this is feat to termination in jillions of lives being saved. The paper, however, reviews the actualised investigate and demonstrates that there is presently little technological grounds to hold the disceptation that reaction nicotine levels module spend some lives, such inferior jillions of lives.First of all, the article points discover that there is no famous boundary below which nicotine is not addictive and below which cigarettes would not be addictive:"Although studies of the boundary for nicotine favouritism hit been conducted, to date no systematised manlike think has examined the boundary pane for the development or fix of nicotine dependency nor direct examined the prizewinning move for reaction levels of nicotine in cigarettes to maximise open upbeat benefits."Moreover, the article points discover that existing grounds indicates that cigarettes with rattling baritone nicotine levels are ease trenchant in reaction nicotine craving and ease display medicine personalty attendant with nicotine. Apparently, the article concludes, modify rattling baritone doses of nicotine are confident of binding to receptors and feat medicine effects:"Laboratory studies exhibit that denicotinised cigarettes display accent subjective personalty kindred to those of nicotine cigarettes. For example, denicotinised cigarettes hit been shown to turn craving and perverse affect cod to retraction during short-term abstinence periods from usual sort cigarettes. The accent retraction relieving personalty are institute not to be cod to expectancies for nicotine or the simple motor aspects of respiration (eg, handling), lightness the grandness of respiration breath per se. Denicotinised cigarettes and accepted nicotine cigarettes crapper display kindred self-reported liking and spirit in smokers although added think institute results to the contrary, and crapper display kindred delays in the latency to respiration (ie, the time to respiration a cigarette) or reductions in the turn of subsequent respiration of nicotine cigarettes. Denicotinised cigarettes haw also be as acutely reinforcing as nicotine cigarettes in dependent smokers, suggesting that denicotinised cigarettes haw help as an trenchant short-term substitute for nicotine-containing cigarettes when the latter are unavailable." ..."The responses observed with denicotinised cigarettes haw be because non-nicotine perception aspects hit acquired reinforcing effects, non-nicotine constituents another than nicotine are reinforcing, or that baritone levels of nicotine are decent to reassert respiration activity because these levels crapper display personalty of physiological significance, at small acutely. For example, recent mentality imaging studies exhibit that respiration a single rattling baritone nicotine fag results in momentous (23%) abidance of α4β2 nicotinic receptors, which are thoughtful the direct organ subtype mediating nicotine's reinforcing and another activity effects. Thus, the reinforcing and feeling personalty of rattling baritone nicotine cigarettes haw be attributable, in part, to nicotine's medicine effects. Other grounds also suggests that rattling baritone take nicotine danger haw hit essential medicine effects. This includes in vitro studies display that momentous nicotinic organ desensitisation, a possibleness contributor to nicotine addiction, crapper occur with nicotine doses below a boundary for activity receptors, which mediates nicotine's accent reinforcing effects. In summary, steep change to denicotinised cigarettes does not materialize to termination in momentous retraction symptoms and haw reassert kindred levels of respiration move and approval in the brief term."The article also points discover that birdlike studies inform that extremely baritone doses of nicotine in animals are ease confident of producing nicotine dependence:"While NSA in animals typically decreases at organisation doses below 0.01 mg/kg, organisation doses as baritone as 0.003 mg/kg hit been shown to reassert NSA in rats above salt ending levels when substituted for a higher upbringing pane (eg, 0.03 mg/kg), though variability between subjects is apparent (see also De Noble and Mele and Donny et al). No birdlike studies hit specifically defined the approval boundary pane of nicotine during acquisition of NSA in adolescents or in the context of progressively reaction the organisation nicotine pane during fix of NSA in adults."The essay also points discover that it is uncharted whether reaction nicotine levels would hit some effect on decreasing youngness smoking:"The pane of nicotine that module advance to ending of respiration haw not be the pane that is attendant with the onset of dependency symptoms or nicotine addiction. Studies conducted with juvenile smokers declare that the possibleness boundary for onset of nicotine dependency is probable to be substantially modify than the fivesome accepted nicotine cigarettes per period suggested by early research. Several cross-sectional and longitudinal studies hit shown that youngness respiration on a inferior than regular foundation yet report onset of dependency symptoms. About half the youngness smokers who reportable 1 or more symptoms specular of a loss of autonomy over respiration had preserved on cipher 2 cigarettes 1 period per week, and half of those who met WHO International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10)-defined dependency reportable respiration cigarettes a month, or 1â"2 cigarettes per day. That symptoms of dependency crapper amend with baritone rates of respiration is conformable with results from a small think of adults demonstrating most 50% abidance of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) for 3 h after meet 1â"2 puffs on a 1.2â"1.4 mg nicotine yield cigarette. Similarly, another prolonged mentality personalty (long-term potentiation of the excitatory transmission to the mentality move centres) hit been observed after brief application of baritone concentrations of nicotine (0.5â"1.0 μM). Human and birdlike studies hit shown that the juvenile mentality is more undefendable and sensitive to nicotine's effects. For example, grown smokers who initiated respiration during adolescence exhibit greater fag consumption, modify probability of disagreeable to depart and accumulated venture of relapse compared to those who started respiration later in life. Adolescent rats and mice strength also be more sensitive than adults to the gratifying and reinforcing personalty of nicotine, as indexed by greater conditioned locate preference, faster acquisition of nicotine self-administration (NSA) and higher line NSA rates compared to adults (see also Shram et al). What relic uncharted are the personalty of baritone pane nicotine cigarettes in adolescents and whether there is a pane that reduces the probability of sustained fag use."Importantly, the article points discover that there could be inauspicious consequences of reaction nicotine levels in cigarettes:"In the literature concerning manlike and birdlike trials, there is a inadequacy of accumulation on the personalty of baritone nicotine doses on respiration or nicotine intake and on another responses. Even if a boundary reinforcing nicotine pane is identified and a non-addictive fag crapper be produced, it module be essential to determine whether there are another inauspicious personalty from the nicotine danger that occurs in adolescents who nonetheless investigate with such cigarettes. The boundary for nicotine's reinforcing personalty haw be higher than the boundary for nicotine's another potentially inauspicious effects, including enhancing danger to another take use. ... Therefore, baritone take nicotine danger in adolescents experimenting with cigarettes fashioned to prevent nicotine dependency could potentially display venture of dependency to another drugs of abuse." ..."Among possibleness concerns are: (1) a alter to another drugs of abuse, specially among populations respiration for ethnic reinforcement, self-identity, or self-medication purposes; (2) threefold ingest of baccy products, such as baritone nicotine cigarettes with oral baccy or small cigars, which haw advance to greater danger to toxicants, especially if these another baccy products continue to include higher nicotine levels; (3) ingest of baritone nicotine cigarettes as official products. Just as baritone freebase nicotine smokeless baccy products served as official products for higher nicotine and more cyanogenic smokeless baccy products, these baritone nicotine cigarettes haw advance to the ingest of another baccy products with higher levels of nicotine, unless these another products also include baritone nicotine levels; (4) illicit fag marketing and smuggling including finished the internet and finished territories that do not require baritone nicotine noesis of cigarettes; (5) creation tampering or touching (such as adding nicotine to the product); and (6) business manipulations (eg, nicotine analogues, consort products to process nicotinic effects)."Ultimately, the article concludes that reaction nicotine levels would not needs termination in an transformation in the public's health, and that surveillance would be needed to determine the personalty of such a policy:"If nicotine change is enacted, then large-scale surveillance is needed in order to understand the population-level effect of such changes. Marketplace monitoring and assessing inadvertent consequences (smuggling, nicotine spiking, newborn creation introductions, etc) module also refer panoptic surveys."The Rest of the StoryOnce again, the anti-smoking groups hit been tricked by prince moneyman into activity federal governing that does more for prince moneyman than for the public's health. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, in negotiating the governing with prince Morris, agreed to the clause that illegal the bureau from eliminating the nicotine in cigarettes, and inner allowed the authority to turn nicotine levels. As a result, the authority is helpless to dominion changes in cigarettes which would actually termination in a hammy change in their addictive potential. As is clear from the article, modify with baritone levels of nicotine, cigarettes keep brawny addictive possibleness as inner a time turn of nicotine is needed to live sufficiency nicotine receptors to display a medicine effect.Even more troubling than the fact that the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids was duped by prince moneyman in the negotiations over the baccy governing is the fact that the Campaign is jactitation most how this supplying in the accumulation is feat to spend jillions of lives. The Campaign is apparently unmindful of the power which demonstrates, quite convincingly, that modify baritone levels of nicotine are confident of producing reinforcing medicine effects.But the most troubling aspect of the news is the closing of the paper: "Reduction of nicotine in baccy products could potentially hit intense effect on reaction tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. ... an union and multidisciplinary effort should be ingrained to ordered priorities and goals..., vow appropriate scientific, investigate and polity communities/organizations, shape the content of research, and secure that efforts stay focused on the ultimate goal of discernment how nicotine change could effect the morbidity and mortality of baccy use."After a broad review of the literature in which the authors convincingly demonstrate that the power humble does not hold the intent that reaction nicotine levels module substantially turn the addictive possibleness of cigarettes and that such a contract could hit severe perverse open upbeat consequences, they ease conclude that reaction nicotine levels is a desired open upbeat contract which should be vigorously pursued, and that jillions of dollars of taxpayer money should be funneled into investigate to think a contract which quite probable strength be sure to failure from the get-go.There is a strange disconnect between the technological grounds presented in the review and the conclusions and recommendations of the article.For example, patch the authors state that: "switching to denicotinised cigarettes does not materialize to termination in momentous retraction symptoms and haw reassert kindred levels of respiration move and reinforcement," they yet conclude that change of nicotine levels could hit a intense effect on tobacco-related mortality. If the levels of respiration move and approval are not substantially baritone in rattling low-nicotine cigarettes, then how would such a change hit a intense effect on tobacco-related mortality? The closing meet doesn't study from the technological evidence.In disagreeable to understand ground the power is so divorced from the recommended policies and the strategic agenda, I crapper inner saucer to digit possibilities.First, as researchers in the Atlantic of nicotine science, the authors hit a vested welfare in promoting investigate resource into their Atlantic of expertise. This is a business offend of welfare that appears to be influencing the conclusions and recommendations of the article.Second, all threesome of the TPSAC authors and digit added authors of the essay hit a vested business welfare in maintaining the paradigm that nicotine is the agent responsible for respiration dependency because they hit business ties to caregiver companies which manufacture nicotine equal or respiration halt caregiver products:"DKH has received present resource from Nabi Biopharmaceuticals to carry nicotine vaccine clinical trials. JEH provides consulting hold for GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health finished Pinney Associates on an inner foundation on issues attendant to baccy dependency treatment, has business welfare in a possibleness newborn oral nicotine equal creation and serves as an proficient attestator in proceedings against baccy companies. NLB serves as a consultant for Pfizer and as an proficient attestator in proceedings against baccy companies. MZ provides consulting hold to GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Health finished Pinney Associates on an inner foundation on issues attendant to baccy dependency treatment. KAP has served as a consultant to Cypress Bioscience."That pretty such says it all. With this ratio of offend among the think authors, there is no artefact we could expect an objective ordered of recommendations and conclusions. And, by the way, this is exactly the think ground I hit argued that scientists with business conflicts of welfare should not be making domestic contract recommendations.The rest of the news is that there is a rank disconnect between the technological humble and the contract list in baccy control today. Financial and political influences hit wrested the contract list in baccy control unwaveringly absent from the power base.
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2010年9月27日 星期一
TN Biology Teacher Darryl Jones Charged with Statutory Rape for Having Sexual Relationship with Teenage Girl
Pregnancy first trimesterDarryl Jones, aggregation teacher in Shelby County, TN, arrested & live with statutory ravishment for having sexed relation with teenage girl.
Darryl Jones, a Shelby County, TN, aggregation teacher, was live with statutory ravishment by an dominance amount after a 17-year-old woman was institute hiding in his room closet. The Commercial Appeal reports 26-year-old Darryl M. designer was arrested Friday at his home after the teen's mother told police she suspected her daughter and designer were participating in a sexed relationship. Jones was released from slammer on a $50,000 stick over the weekend. He is also live with tributary to the neglect of a minor. SourceShameful. Absolutely shameful. Shouldn't he be fired and listed on a sex-offender registry? I applaud her mother for attractive a defence and doing what some decorous parent would do.
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2010年9月26日 星期日
Embattled Bishop Eddie L. Long Speaks for First Time Makes Light of the Media Attention, Doesn't Repudiate Allegations of Sexual Misconduct
first PregnancyEddie L. Long is at the podium rattling content and existence sarcastic, with that undignified hunting scolding on his head. There is a cult-like region hit at Newbirth Missionary Baptist Church this morning. He said this is an extremely arduous instance for his kinsfolk and the grouping in his church. He's joking most the full thing. He says it's a instance when you wager the garment modify and wager who's with you and who's not with you. He said he wants to help everybody and wants to impart every the pastors who left their churches to become to his church -- sons and daughters. He said he wants to speech to gathering of how to handle arduous and agonized situations. He started with Psalm 34:19 "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the nobleman delivers him from every of them." He's stumbling over his words. Still no admission or denial of accusations. He's meet dancing around the issue. Painful situations. Another scripture. Isaiah. He says chronicle is filled with agonized situations which makes the instance of experience and healthiness not as magnificent as we would like. Life module be unfair. He said we are every person to grappling distasteful and agonized situations. Said Bishop Long module hit whatever intense situations. The meet grappling agonized situations with a determination. Comparing himself to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, terminally ill people, blankety, blankety! The remedy for agonized status is described by king -- Psalm 23. He said king gives an insight on how to intend finished agonized times. Must meet convergent on the spiritual things that brought us thusly far. Must be sworn to prayer. He's conversation most early voting. Cannot allow these allegations for outreach. Must continue to minister to those who are lost. Must pore on the power of worship. Encouragement. Must be there to encourage digit another. Resolve. Must not forget our capableness is not in Negro but in God. He said he has never portrayed himself as a amend Negro but is not the Negro existence portrayed on television. He said "that is not me." The church breaks discover in applause. He said he module not essay housing in the media. He said it module be proven in the suite of justice. He said that's the only locate he'll intend justice. He said he feels same king against Goliath. He said he has five rocks and hasn't tangled digit yet. Sorry, but isn't that a threat? He hasn't said I am not guilty. Wait, is there added accuser inactivity to become forward? Maybe that's ground he made that reference. He danced around the issue. Eddie L. Long is a officer manipulator. Take a countenance at every the cases of sexed misconduct made against famous grouping -- Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, peer Paulk, Apostle Crouch (co-founder of TBN) and others -- the actuality prevailed and they were blameable of the allegations. UPDATE#1 (09/26/10): Long meet held a press word that amounted to nothing. What he said there, he would hit said terminal week when the story first broke. During the service he kept on saying he isn't a amend man. That tells me that there is whatever actuality to what the young men are alleging and he doesn't think what he did chromatic to the take of sexed coercion. Eddie L. Long didn't verify his gathering emphatically that the allegations are untrue. He prefaced it by saying he's not a amend Negro and he's under fire. From a open relations standpoint he did null to quell the firestorm against him.
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2010年9月25日 星期六
CNN's Don Lemon Admits During Interview About Embattled Pastor Eddie L. Long, to Being Molested as a Child
Pregnancy first trimesterCNN's Don Lemon admitted on broadcasting tonight that he was maltreated as a female by a male. He said he had never talked most this openly before and had told his Mom when he was 30 eld old. The entering was sensational and you could see the pain on his face. I applaud him for saying so. He didn't have to say it, but it was to establish a saucer most the way pedophiles operate. First they tell you how much they tending most you. Spend instance with you and then advise in for the kill. There are some pedophiles in our midst and in places where you small wait them to be. They occupy every stations of life and become from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
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2010年9月24日 星期五
Spencer LeGrande, 4th Man to Accuse Bishop Eddie L. Long of Sexual Coercion
first PregnancySpencer LeGrande, ordinal man to enter a causa accusing Bishop Eddie L. Long of sexed coercion.I hope Bishop Eddie L. Long's spouse is packing her bags because NO wedlock can survive this mess. This is far poorest than Ted Haggard's gossip of an incongruous relation with a phallic prostitute. According to the besieging Journal Constitution, Attorney B. J. director is filing a causa on behalf of sociologist LeGrande, a member of New Birth Charlotte, a equipment faith of Newbirth Missionary Baptist Church. LeGrande and his care were among the origination members of Long's equipment church. Long "uses monetary assets from the accounts of Defendant New Birth and another joint and non-profit joint accounts, to entice the teen men with cars, clothes, jewelry, and electronics." LeGrande was 15 when he met Long in May 2005, the meet alleges. Two eld later, he engaged in sexed activities with Long while the two vacationed in Kenya, according to the suit. Long after pleased him to advise to Atlanta, where the activity continued finished 2009, director says. He attended Beulah Heights University. Long is live with breach of holding duty; negligence; fraud; enforcement of emotional painfulness and another counts based on sexed acts. SourceShouldn't malefactor charges be also in the wings for Long? This stylish causa suggests business improprieties were committed. There is no artefact every these accusations are lies. No way. TO READ THE LAWSUIT, CLICK HERE.
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