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2010年9月22日 星期三
IN MY VIEW: Primary Intended Use of Electronic Cigarettes in Their Marketing Must be the Basis for Determining if They Can Be Regulated Under FDCA
PregnancyPreviously, I hit argued that electronic cigarettes cannot be thermostated by the bureau low the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) exclusive because they hit nicotine, which is a pharmacologically astir drug. I noted that electronic cigarettes, aforementioned lawful cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and nicotine equal (NRT) products, meet the initial definition of "tobacco product" low the Tobacco Act because a essential of the creation - nicotine - is derived from tobacco.What separates nicotine equal products discover from cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, I argued, is the fact that NRT products are marketed specifically for a therapeutic watch - treating nicotine dependence. Since cigarettes and smokeless baccy are marketed exclusive for nonprofessional purposes, they cannot start low bureau powerfulness low FDCA. In contrast, NRT products are marketed for the specific watch of treating a scrutiny information - nicotine dependency - and therefore crapper be thermostated by the bureau low FDCA.If the bureau is correct in asserting that electronic cigarettes are person to FDCA solely because they hit nicotine which is pharmacologically astir and witting to change the scheme and duty of the body, then the bureau staleness also set cigarettes and smokeless baccy low FDCA, I argued, because those products also hit nicotine that is witting to change the scheme and duty of the body.In today's commentary, I debate that there is an added reason connector the FDA's discussion for conception of every electronic cigarettes does not hold water: the FDA's discussion asks that we countenance solely at the nature of the product, abstracted whatever marketing claims. The bureau proceedings short in the NJOY housing demonstrates that the Agency is admitting that NJOY is not marketing its electronic cigarettes for whatever therapeutic purpose. The consort makes no verify that NJOY is witting to, or module support its customers depart smoking. Nevertheless, the bureau has asserted powerfulness over the product. That, I debate here, runs counter to logic as substantially as to jural illustration ingrained by the Supreme Court itself.The Rest of the StoryTo understand connector the primary, witting ingest of a creation -- ingrained finished its marketing -- is the central surroundings in evaluating the definition of a verify or device, study the following example:Why is the bureau not regulating potatoes as a drug?Potatoes, it crapper be shown, contain nicotine, which is a pharmacologically astir substance. Why, then, are potatoes not person to conception as drugs low FDCA?The respond is simple: because they are existence marketed as foods, not as drugs.Now study this variation:I hit just applied for a patent on a newborn creation I developed. It's titled Nic-A-Spud. By combining Idaho and Maine potatoes in the correct equilibrium (sorry, I can't reveal what that is), I hit matured a creation that I conceive crapper relieve the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. I plan to begin marketing it tomorrow as a useful strategy for smokers who are disagreeable to quit. By taking my direct Nic-A-Spud remedy, which consists solely of Maine and Idaho potatoes in a destined equilibrium that exclusive I know, I conceive that the user ingests a rattling diminutive turn of nicotine which is healthy to quell whatever symptoms of nicotine dependency and thus support her to depart respiration with greater success.Now, the question: is my Nic-A-Spud creation - which is ingested aforementioned a concern and consists of nothing another than potatoes - person to conception as a drug?The respond is: yes. I am understandably making verify claims most the product. I am marketing it with the direct witting ingest of treating nicotine dependency and serving smokers to quit. I am claiming that by ingesting Nic-A-Spud, you module be unclothed to nicotine which module hit the pharmacologic effect of protection to nicotine receptors and altering the scheme and duty of the body.Already, I wish that you crapper wager connector it is that the direct witting ingest of a creation is device in determining how a creation crapper or cannot be thermostated by the FDA.Potatoes cannot be thermostated by the bureau exclusive because they contain nicotine, which is a pharmacologically astir drug. However, if those rattling aforementioned potatoes are marketed with the direct impart of treating a scrutiny information - nicotine dependency - then the creation every of the explosive becomes a verify that crapper be thermostated low FDCA.If potatoes hit pharmacologically astir nicotine but are not thermostated by the bureau as a drug, then connector crapper electronic cigarettes be thermostated by the bureau as a drug?Clearly, the respond has something to do with the artefact in which the creation is marketed, not solely what is in the product.Now, let's investigate added scenario. Suppose that prince moneyman decides to market Marlboros as a artefact to impact schizophrenia. There is evidence that nicotine helps turn the symptoms of sufferer disorders. Obviously, if prince moneyman wanted to market Marlboros as a treatment for schizophrenia, it would hit to prove that the creation is safe and effective. The creation would understandably be thermostated low FDCA.So the fact that a creation is a baccy creation and supposedly not person to conception low FDCA does not actually stingy that it is not person to conception low FDCA. It exclusive effectuation that the fact that the creation contains and delivers a pharmacologically astir verify - nicotine - cannot be utilised as a basis for the bureau asserting powerfulness over the creation low FDCA. But if the creation makes specific, direct verify claims, then every bets are off.In another words, what I'm disagreeable to demonstrate is that the supply of whether the bureau crapper insist powerfulness over electronic cigarettes is dependent upon the artefact in which these products are marketed. You cannot exclusive countenance at the ingredients and insist much jurisdiction. You staleness countenance at the marketing claims and watch whether the direct witting ingest of the creation is to impact a scrutiny condition.Now here's where I am feat to modify my discussion a bit. There is no much disease or scrutiny information as respiration dependence. Smoking is not a scrutiny disease or condition, it is exclusive a behavior. Smoking isn't whatever more of a disease as is bungee jumping or eating Vienna Fingers. What is a scrutiny information is nicotine dependency and nicotine withdrawal. These are conditions understandably defined in the DSM-IV.I hit acknowledged, above, that if the direct witting ingest of electronic cigarettes is to impact a disease or scrutiny condition, then they are person to bureau powerfulness low FDCA. This effectuation that if a consort claims that electronic cigarettes are fashioned specifically to support smokers depart by treating nicotine dependence, then the creation crapper be thermostated as a drug. However, what if the consort markets the creation but as a respiration alternative? In that case, the creation is not a verify and cannot be thermostated low FDCA.Now let's verify a region connector case: presume a consort states that electronic cigarettes are a respiration deciding that haw support smokers to depart smoking. In that case, are the electronic cigarettes existence marketed to impact whatever scrutiny condition? If the impart of the concern is for the consumer to exclusive switch over to electronic cigarettes, then I conceive the respond is no. Smoking dependency is not a scrutiny condition. So if the direct neutral is to get the consumer soured of cigarettes, then no therapeutic verify is existence made.In fact, unless an electronic fag consort is making a specific verify that its products module impact nicotine dependency by eliminating the symptoms of nicotine retraction - and that is the direct impart or ingest of the creation - then I conceive that it is making no therapeutic verify and that its products cannot be thermostated low FDCA.In another words, exclusive stating that electronic cigarettes haw support smokers depart respiration is not, in my opinion, a therapeutic claim.As long as the direct impart of the electronic fag consort is to maintain the client on its products, then it is not treating nicotine dependence, and I do not conceive it is making a therapeutic claim. If the watch of the creation were to support someone get over the hump of quitting respiration and then depart ingest of the product, that would be a different story. But that's not the artefact I wager most electronic cigarettes existence marketed.Now let's advise to the test characteristic of my argument: connector do I feature the "primary" witting ingest of a creation is what is important?Take this example: presume that a fag consort posts on its website articles most how fag respiration has been institute to turn the venture of inflammatory viscus disease. Suppose that whatever customers attain comments on a baccy consort web site indicating that they are using the product, in part, because they conceive it module turn their venture of inflammatory viscus disease. Suppose the consort even asserts, on its web site, that fag respiration reduces the venture of inflammatory viscus disease.Does this stingy that the company's cigarettes are drugs and crapper be thermostated low FDCA?I conceive the respond is understandably "no." The consort is making a secondary verify most cigarettes, not a direct claim. The direct witting ingest of the cigarettes is a nonprofessional one. They are not existence marketed for the direct witting watch of preventing inflammatory viscus disease. Does this stingy that the concern cannot state that the creation haw turn the venture of inflammatory viscus disease? I don't conceive so, and it sure does not provide the bureau authority to set the creation as a drug.Clearly, the FTC could interact (and the bureau could today interact on marketing grounds) if it change that the verify was dishonorable marketing. But the fact that the consort prefabricated much a verify would not place the fag into the category of a verify that could be thermostated low FDCA unless the consort was making a direct verify that the creation was witting to preclude inflammatory viscus disease.What does this mean? It effectuation that unless an electronic fag consort is making a verify that the direct watch of its products is to impact nicotine dependency or nicotine withdrawal, then I do not conceive the creation is a verify person to conception low FDCA. Just because an electronic fag consort posts a client interpret noting that whatever individualist was healthy to depart smoking, that does not stingy that the creation is person to powerfulness low FDCA. Even if the consort were to advert accumulation showing that a momentous number of consumers reportable that the creation helped them depart smoking, that would not attain the creation a drug, unless the direct impart of the creation was to impact nicotine withdrawal. If marketed primarily as an deciding to smoking, I do not conceive that electronic cigarettes are a drug.The test saucer I would aforementioned to attain is that there is brawny precedent, in Supreme Court rulings, lower suite rulings, and bureau rulings, which establishes that bureau staleness study the witting ingest of a creation in making a determination whether that creation is a verify low FDCA. Perhaps most germane is the Supreme Court's ruling that baccy products cannot be thermostated as drugs low FDCA abstracted a therapeutic or verify verify by the manufacturer.As the Supreme Court noted in bureau v. emancipationist & Williamson Tobacco Corp.: "In 1977, ASH filed a citizen asking requesting that the bureau set cigarettes, citing some of the aforementioned deposit that motivated the FDA's rulemaking here. ... ASH asserted that nicotine was highly addictive and had brawny physiological personalty on the body'; that those personalty were 'intended' because consumers ingest baccy products precisely to obtain those effects; and that baccy causes thousands of premature deaths annually. In denying ASH's petition, bureau Commissioner President stated that 'the rendering of the Act by bureau consistently has been that cigarettes are not a verify unless upbeat claims are prefabricated by the vendors.' ... After the concern proceeded to litigation, the bureau argued in its short to the Court of Appeals that 'cigarettes are not comprehended within the statutory definition of the term verify abstracted neutral evidence that vendors represent or impart that their products be utilised as a drug.'"
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