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2010年9月14日 星期二
FDA's Actions on Electronic Cigarettes Show Absurdity of Entire Tobacco Regulatory Scheme: Asking FDA to Regulate Cigarettes Was a Huge Mistake
first PregnancyThe Food and Drug Administration (FDA) utilised to be answerable for assuring that the food and drugs exhausted by Americans are safe. Now, it is also answerable for approving the understanding and marketing of products which kill more than 400,000 Americans apiece year. Although grouping are dying by the hundreds apiece period from baccy products, the bureau has so farther condemned no state to attain cigarettes safer, turn the sort of youths who start smoking, or turn the sort of adults who smoke. While the bureau has comprehensive dominance over the production, marketing, and understanding of cigarettes, it has condemned no actions that hit had some effect on rising the public's upbeat by decreasing tobacco-related rate or mortality.In contrast, the bureau has condemned momentous efforts to remove electronic cigarettes - a such safer deciding to baccy cigarettes - from the market. The Agency has seized different shipments of electronic cigarettes, threatened to remove electronic cigarettes from the market, warned consumers most the dangers of electronic cigarettes, scared the open into intellection that electronic cigarettes are loaded with carcinogens, certain some grouping that all electronic cigarettes contain noxious anti-freeze, and condemned another open efforts to highly discourage the ingest of these products by chronic smokers who would same to depart respiration but hit been defeated using another methods (including FDA-approved pharmacotherapy).The net termination is a rank contradictoriness and nonsense in the FDA's actions. On the digit hand, the authority is approving the understanding and marketing of a creation that kills hundreds of thousands of Americans apiece assemblage and has condemned no state to significantly turn the sort of fag smokers. On the another hand, the authority has threatened to ban a such safer deciding to cigarettes which some ex-smokers are uncovering useful to ready them soured cigarettes and which hit greatly reinforced their health. The authority has also condemned efforts which hit resulted in hortative vapers to alter backwards to lawful cigarettes by declaring that they should not ingest electronic cigarettes at this time.There is no formal property or open upbeat justification for the FDA's actions. Moreover, the agency's actions to fellow hit produced no realizable open upbeat benefits. Even worse, the agency's actions hit caused incontestible open upbeat alteration by demoralizing some underway or possibleness e-cigarette users from vaping and disenchanting them to convey to fag smoking. In another words, the FDA's actions hit actually resulted in a prevention of the loss of customers for the baccy industry.Philip moneyman couldn't be happier with the FDA's actions to date. The authority is protecting the company's dominating mart care of the deadliest consumer products on the mart and preventing or demoralizing the ingest of a such safer deciding which would otherwise threaten to attain a dent in the company's profits.Big Pharma also couldn't be happier with the FDA's actions, as the authority has fortified the pharmaceutical industry's abominably impotent respiration cessation products from competition from what may meet be a such more effective deciding for individuals who poverty to depart respiration but are having extreme travail in doing so.The exclusive digit who hasn't benefited from the agency's actions is the public, which continues to die by the hundreds apiece period - cod not to electronic cigarettes but to the shit actual ones.The Rest of the StoryThe rest of the story is that the derisory restrictive grouping created by prince Morris, the upbeat groups, and the politicians is nothing more than a huge open scam. The grouping is ordered up to attain it look same the nation's directive baccy company, the upbeat groups, and the politicians who based the accumulation are attractive state to protect the public's upbeat and to fisticuffs Big Tobacco profits. Instead, the actual effect of the newborn restrictive grouping is to attain the polity a genuine partner and helper in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans apiece year, to fend soured possibleness less dangerous products that could contend with the mart care leaders, and to ordered up a cozy care by which existing mart care is essentially frozen, existing cigarettes are institutionalized and protected, and newborn products which could hit actual open upbeat benefits are thwarted.The grouping is employed beautifully so far, and the story of the direction of electronic cigarettes low the newborn restrictive support is a amend example. Like clockwork, the bureau has stepped in to protect the noxious fag mart from possibleness threats caused by a such safer deciding that has proven to support thousands of smokers to meet soured cigarettes or greatly turn their fag consumption.The position quo is preserved, the profits of Big Tobacco and Big Pharma are protected, still the digit assemble which is harmed is the public.Vapers are harmed because they are either underprivileged of the possibleness to alter to a safer deciding that module meliorate their upbeat or they are encouraged to convey from relatively innocuous vaping backwards to rattling dangerous smoking. Smokers are harmed because they are discouraged from trying a potentially life-saving figure and instead, are certain to ready smoking. Nonsmokers are harmed because instead of benefiting from the absence of old respiration related with vaping, they move to be exposed to respiration from smokers who decide, at the advice of the FDA, not to ingest electronic cigarettes but to follow with their Marlboros. Children are harmed because parents who might otherwise be vaping in the home are now respiration in the home.There are plentitude of politicians and groups which hit uttered up to protect the interests of prince moneyman and Big Pharma. But some are speech up to protect the interests of the public. The Rest of the Story module move to fisticuffs for the goodness of the public, and different the politicians and anti-smoking groups which joined hands with prince moneyman in environment up this derisory restrictive scheme, module not be bought soured by political or business interests.
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I think giant cigarette companies are involved with FDA actions. I think they are losing a lot of money because of the popularity of e-cigarettes in the market so they ask for FDA help.
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