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2011年2月15日 星期二
Debate Over Smoker-Free Workplace Policies on KPCC - Southern California Public Radio
Pregnancy first trimesterKPCC in Los Angeles, the field NPR affiliate in gray California, featured a speaking over smoker-free work policies on Patt Morrison's exhibit weekday afternoon. You can listen to it here.Dr. Terpeluk from the Cleveland Clinic argued that not hiring smokers is essential for the infirmary grouping to ordered a good example. But why exclusive model that activity with newborn employees? What justification is there for allowing existing smokers to remain employed, lettered that they are environment much a intense warning for the patients and are modeling much awful behavior?In attempting to argue that not hiring smokers is not comparable to not hiring fleshiness people, Dr. Terpeluk argued that respiration is assorted because there is a candid causal unification between respiration and disease. But there is undoubtably a candid unification between blubber and disease as well.Lewis Maltby from the National Workrights Institute joined me in arguing that refusing to hire smokers is job discrimination and lifestyle control that violates the privacy of individuals.
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