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2011年4月15日 星期五
The Two Biggest Reasons Why the ADA, AAP, and AAFP Should Not Take Money from Coca-Cola and Other Big Food Companies
first PregnancyI hit written extensively this hebdomad on the joint partnerships that threesome open upbeat organizations - the dweller Academy of Pediatrics, the dweller Academy of Family Physicians, and the dweller Dietetic Association - hit imitative with Coca-Cola and another Big Food companies and how these partnerships assistance the marketing plans and marketing efforts of these companies, counteract the land and open upbeat assignment of these supposedly open health-committed organizations, and direct counteract the public's upbeat itself by serving to market unwholesome products.Although I hit been the direct of whatever individualized attacks cod to my achievement discover publicly with these opinions, it is country to me that I hit struck a cheek somewhere and that the defensive reaction is cod to an inexplicit actualisation that these joint partnerships are not sustainable if these organizations are to keep whatever colour of integrity.I poverty to near the hebdomad by swing nervy digit pieces of evidence that shew ground these partnerships are unacceptable.1. Coca-Cola and another Big Food companies are using these partnerships to enhance their joint image, and therefore, their bottom line: income of unwholesome products that are tributary towards the nation's blubber epidemic.In its 2010 period report, Coca-Cola writes: "Obesity and another upbeat concerns may turn obligation for whatever of our products. Consumers, open upbeat officials and polity officials are decent progressively afraid most the open upbeat consequences attendant with obesity, particularly among young people. In addition, whatever researchers, upbeat advocates and fare guidelines are hortative consumers to turn activity of sugar-sweetened beverages, including those sugary with HFCS or another nutritive sweeteners. Increasing open concern most these issues; doable new taxes and governmental regulations concerning the marketing, labeling or availability of our beverages; and negative publicity resulting from actualised or threatened jural actions against us or another companies in our playing relating to the marketing, labeling or sale of sugar-sweetened beverages may turn obligation for our beverages, which could change our profitability."Thus, Coca-Cola direct acknowledges that a negative open ikon impacts its bottom distinction - profits - and therefore, that rising its open ikon module do the opposite: process dope sales.In its 2010 Sustainability Report, Coca-Cola makes it country that it is using the ADA, AAP, and AAFP to meliorate its open ikon by achievement jillions of consumers. It boasts most how answerable a consort it is cod to its partnership with these organizations: "In the United States, we currently reach jillions of consumers annually finished our work with the dweller Dietetic Association; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Instituteâs The Heart Truth® campaign; the dweller person Societyâs Choose You⢠campaign; the dweller College of Sports Medicine; the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association; and the dweller Academy of Family Physicians."Pepsico, in its 2010 period report, also makes country the unification between the company's open ikon and its bottom line: "Damage to our estimation or loss of consumer certainty in our products for whatever of these or another reasons could termination in decreased obligation for our products and could hit a touchable adverse effect on our business, financial information and results of operations, as well as require added resources to build our reputation."2. The dweller Dietetic Association, dweller Academy of Pediatrics, and dweller Academy of Family Physicians are activity companies that rebut virtually every state-specific open upbeat policy attendant to improvement of edifice nutrition, change of fling matter and salt consumption, and environmental upbeat and safety.Regardless of its open statements, Coca-Cola is clearly anti to virtually every land governing proposed by open upbeat groups to meliorate edifice nutrition and turn the activity of unhealthy, sugar-sweetened beverages.Through its contributions to the Grocers Manufacturers Association (GMA), Coca-Cola is anti whatever and every taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (soft drinks), anti the remotion of BPA from bottles containing liquids consumed by infants, anti governing to only require the revealing of creation ingredients, anti taxes on candy, anti bottle bills, anti every restrictions on BPA-containing packaging, anti standards for matter processing, and anti edifice nutrition standards.To be clear: "GMA submitted evidence in opposition to mandated edifice nutrition standards."That the dweller Dietetic Association, dweller Academy of Pediatrics, and dweller Academy of Family Physicians crapper claim that Coca-Cola is committed to rising childhood upbeat in the grappling of this company's opposition to modify the most base edifice nutrition standards is, in my opinion, despicable.And whether they same it or not, finished their hold of Coca-Cola, the ADA, AAP, and AAFP are activity a consort that opposes edifice nutrition standards. Moreover, by activity Coca-Cola, they are actuation themselves in the foot because whether they same it or not, their joint partnerships are actually employed to: rebut whatever and every taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages (soft drinks), rebut the remotion of BPA from bottles containing liquids consumed by infants, rebut governing to only require the revealing of creation ingredients, rebut taxes on candy, rebut bottle bills, rebut every restrictions on BPA-containing packaging, rebut standards for matter processing, and rebut edifice nutrition standards.Despite the open statements of Coca-Cola most how it is committed to rising edifice nutrition, when it rattling comes downbound to it, the consort is anti to every commonsensible measure - modify the most base edifice nutrition standards. Just same the baccy companies used to do, Coca-Cola is conversation discover of digit lateral of its mouth, and discover of the other, it is employed behindhand the scenes to rebut the very measures that it purports to support.That the AAP, AAFP, and enzyme hit fallen for Coca-Cola's tricks is digit possibility. The other, which I encounter more likely, is that they hit been bought off. In another words, that the acknowledgement of super amounts of money has caused them to countenance the another way. It's amazing what a little financial hold module do. And of course, this is precisely the think ground companies same Coca-Cola and Pepsico allow the sponsorship of open upbeat organizations in their marketing plans.
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