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2011年4月22日 星期五
World Medical Association Wants to Ban Electronic and Candy Cigarettes, and Keep the Real Ones; Claims that E-Cigs are Tobacco Industry Ploy
first PregnancyAccording to a advise promulgation issued by the World Medical Association (WMA), the WMA wants to forbiddance candy and electronic cigarettes, patch keeping the actual ones.Also, according to the advise release, the dweller Medical Association claimed that the baccy business is aggressively marketing electronic cigarettes.The advise promulgation states: "The World Medical Association module travel up its fisticuffs against respiration with proposals to forbiddance the production, organisation and understanding of candy products that depict or resemble baccy products. At their three-day Council gathering in Sydney, Australia, (April 7-9) WMA delegates united to recommend to their period Assembly in October plans to strengthen the organisation's opposing baccy policy to combat moves by the baccy business to make their products more appealing to teen people. Delegates argued that the WMA should extend its policy to allow restrictions on smokeless baccy and tobacco-derived products, including prohibiting every government subsidies for tobacco-derived products. Dr. Ardis Hoven, lead of the Board of the dweller Medical Association, said the baccy business was today involved in aggressively promoting newborn forms of cigarettes, such as smokeless baccy and electronic cigarettes in shops and on the internet to draw and attractiveness to teen people, and the WMA necessary to respond strongly."The Rest of the StoryThe Medical Association is informing a conspicuous lie. Tobacco companies have null to do with electronic cigarettes. They neither produce nor mart these products.The rest of the story, then, is that the Medical Association is lying. The difficulty is, it's not country just which Medical Association is lying.Either the dweller Medical Association is lying, or the World Medical Association is lying.The Western Medical Association claims that the dweller Medical Association lead told the conference that baccy companies are aggressively marketing electronic cigarettes. So there are two possibilities:1. The dweller Medical Association is misrepresentaation most baccy companies marketing electronic cigarettes. This is the housing if the AMA lead did actually make this claim.2. The Western Medical Association is misrepresentaation most baccy companies marketing electronic cigarettes. This is the housing if the AMA lead did not actually make this claim.Either way, a physician's organization is misrepresentaation to the open in visit to cast electronic cigarettes in a perverse light, and thusly encourage smokers to follow with regular cigarettes and ex-smokers who have depart by morality of e-cigs to convey to baccy cigarettes.Moreover, it appears that both the World Medical Association and the dweller Medical Association are disagreeable to decimate the safer alternatives to fag smoking, patch protecting existing cigarettes from some earnest rivalry and ensuring that the hundreds of thousands of grouping who are using electronic cigarettes to help depart respiration module be unnatural to convey to their Marlboros, Camels, Newports, Kools, and Salems.Why are these physician organizations acting to protect the profits of fag companies at the cost of the public's health?And ground are they misrepresentaation to the open in visit to achieve that result?While blatantly misrepresentaation to the open would be intense enough, misrepresentaation in a artefact that is going to encourage grouping to use a farther more bruising creation than a safer one is specially egregious.
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