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2010年6月17日 星期四
American Medical Association Not Sure Smoking is Any Worse than Using Electronic Cigarettes
Pregnancy first trimesterIn a advise promulgation issued weekday by the dweller Medical Association (AMA), the leading association of the nation's physicians called on the removal of electronic cigarettes from the market. The AMA adoptive a policy in souvenir of "prohibiting the understanding of e-cigarettes that are not bureau approved." Since these products are not currently bureau approved, the policy amounts to an unmediated forbiddance on the understanding of electronic cigarettes, effectively removing the creation from the market.An AMA representative stated: "Because e-cigarettes hit not been good tested, digit cannot hold that they are inferior harmful or inferior dangerous than customary cigarettes."The Rest of the StoryYou can't be serious. The dweller Medical Association does not hit sufficiency information to be healthy to hold that fag smoking, which kills hundreds of thousands of Americans apiece year, is more dangerous than a device which "delivers nicotine to the user through a volatilized propylene glycol solution" and which has not been shown to drive some disease, such inferior modification among a single American.It doesn't verify a herb physician to be healthy to figure discover that inhaling nicotine nonnegative more than 10,000 chemicals - including 60 carcinogens - is more dangerous than inhaling nicotine without those 10,000 nonnegative chemicals and carcinogens. In fact, the rattling think to which the AMA advise promulgation refers - the bureau work think - confirms that there are only analyse levels of carcinogens in electronic fag cartridges, comparable to the levels found in nicotine equal products.If the dweller Medical Association is not certain that electronic cigarettes are safer than smoking, then there is no way it should be certain that the use of nicotine equal therapy is safer than smoking. After all, the levels of carcinogens in these digit types of products are virtually identical. How could it be that nicotine equal products pose a such lower carcinogenic venture than smoking, patch electronic cigarettes don't, if both products include the same turn of carcinogens?More disturbing than the AMA's apparent technological incompetence is the fact that it is promoting a policy which would drive nonindulgent harm to the public's health. Banning electronic cigarettes would force thousands of vapers who hit successfully depart respiration to convey to cigarettes. The result? Increased disease and death. Why would the AMA poverty to do this?Most disturbing, and unethical, is the fact that the dweller Medical Association - in its advise promulgation - fails to divulge its business offend of interest: its acknowledgement of resource from caregiver companies which concoct respiration halt medications.Banning the understanding of electronic cigarettes would goodness digit major industries: Big Tobacco and Big Pharma. Every electronic fag used is digit inferior fag preserved and/or digit inferior understanding of a nicotine equal or another respiration halt caregiver product. Thus, some business offend of welfare with caregiver companies must be revealed in a advise promulgation which is promoting a forbiddance on the understanding of electronic cigarettes. But the AMA has failed to divulge its offend of interest.By promoting bans on electronic cigarettes, the dweller Medical Association is doing a Brobdingnagian souvenir for fag companies. Such policies would help protect Big Tobacco profits by ensuring that a creation which is existence used by some vapers as a rattling flourishing strategy for ownership soured cigarettes is condemned soured the market.The rest of the news is that the dweller Medical Association is ostensibly more concerned most ideology (and money) than most the lives of smokers. Better that ex-smokers who hit depart without the aid of Big Pharma products be unnatural to convey to fag respiration than that they remain soured cigarettes, but move to go through a motion that looks same fag respiration and which threatens the profits of caregiver companies.
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