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2010年6月22日 星期二
Tobacco Companies are in Compliance with Law; Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Has No One to Blame But Itself
first PregnancyInstead of whining most the baccy companies evading the bureau baccy accumulation by using colours to intend the brands formerly famous as "lights" or "milds," the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids should be apologizing to its constituents and to the open for knowingly crafting governing that would not fulfill its proclaimed purpose.The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, along with the dweller Heart Association, dweller Lung Association, and dweller person Society hit pulled digit over on the dweller grouping by declaring that the governing that the Campaign crafted in negotiations with Philip Morris would place an modify to descriptors relating to "light" or "mild" cigarettes.These groups united to and supported governing would specifically did not vanish these brands from the market. Instead, the governing only mandated that these descriptor cost not be utilised after June 21, 2010.As the baccy companies are no longer using these descriptor terms, they are in deference with the federal law. They cannot mayhap be institute in ravishment of the accumulation for using alternative obloquy for their products when the accumulation specifically allowed those products to rest on the market.If it was the anti-smoking groups' intention to vanish these products from the market, then they should hit prefabricated trusty that the governing removed these products from the market. But given that they did not do that, these groups cannot defence up today and play that the problem is the baccy companies circumventing the law. The problem is the accumulation itself, and the fact that it expressly permits the companies to rename and repackage the products formerly famous as "lights" or "milds." Thus, these anti-smoking groups hit no digit to blessed but themselves.It is not that the baccy companies are evading the law; it is that the accumulation is so anaemic that it allowed these products to rest on the market, as long as they only denaturized their obloquy to cost that do not direct intercommunicate the aforementioned meaning.The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is urging that baccy companies and retailers not be allowed to verify consumers that the renamed products are the aforementioned as the past products. But this is an unconstitutional restriction of free speech. Unless the renamed creation is banned, or the descriptor utilised is in ravishment of the accumulation because it direct infers that the cigarette is safer, then I'm afeard that the companies are in deference with the accumulation and the anti-smoking groups are feat to hit to attitude that.You see, the problem is that the anti-smoking groups were selection to talk the talk, but not selection to achievement the walk. They desired to pass governing in order to feature that they had done something. They desired to be able to verify their constituents that they accomplished something. You see, that's good for donations.But when it really came down to it, these groups weren't selection to actually place some meat in the legislation. That's ground they but illegal the descriptors, kinda than forbidding the products. That's ground they illegal the flavorings that are never used, kinda than the menthol which is utilised by millions. That's ground they gave the bureau dominance to lower the nicotine in cigarettes, but not vanish it. That's ground they gave the bureau dominance to regulate baccy income to minors, but not to process the jural geezerhood of acquire or illegalise the understanding of baccy in some portion type of retail establishment. And that's ground they are pushing the bureau to illegalise electronic cigarettes and dissolvable baccy products, but not contact the real ones.I'm sorry, but the text "gold," "silver," "orange," "red," "green" and another colours do not show levels of harm. In fact, there are existing cigarettes on the mart with the obloquy "gold" or "silver" and these products are not accused of implying assorted levels of upbeat risk. The exclusive think ground these colouration obloquy show assorted risk level is that grouping undergo they are the equal obloquy for the past "light" or "mild" cigarettes.The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and the FDA, cannot only writing the accumulation because it was crafted improperly. They hit to springy within the statute, and within the constitution. And unfortunately, the anti-smoking groups screwed up (albeit intentionally). In another words, the baccy companies are not evading the law. They are following the law.You see, no concern what constituent a baccy company uses to rename its product, it is feat to be famous that the study is the newborn study for some the product's older study was. No concern how bland and non-descriptive the newborn study is, it is still feat to infer the aforementioned attributes as the older name.Thus, if it had been the intent of legislature to decimate this problem, legislature would hit chosen to only mandate the remotion of these "light" products from the market. But legislature did not do that.The rest of the news is that the anti-smoking groups are whining loudly because they need to: they need to counterbalance up their own indiscretion -- negotiating and supporting a calculate with no teeth, while dishonorable the open most the strength of the calculate and its effects. In another words, unless the anti-smoking groups agitate the blessed over to the baccy companies, then the fact that these groups lied to the dweller grouping is feat to become clear.Now that's the rest of the news that the anti-smoking groups don't poverty you to know.
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