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2010年6月13日 星期日
Hypocrisy and Inconsistency in Modern-Day Tobacco Control Policy are Exposed: Walgreens' Lawsuit Against San Francisco Tobacco Sales Law is Reinstated
PregnancyA Calif. land appeals suite has turned a effort court's judgement against Walgreens in its contest of the constitutionality of a San Francisco municipality designation that bans the understanding of baccy products in pharmacies, but exempts mart and "big box" stores that include pharmacies. The effort suite institute no jural legal foundation for the lawsuit, but the proceedings suite ruled that the designation violates the coequal endorsement clauses of the land and federal constitutions. He thence reinstated the lawsuit.The suite ruled that there is no logical foundation for prohibiting baccy sales at pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS that include pharmacies, but not at mart stores or incase stores that also include a pharmacy. In order to be conformable with the coequal endorsement clause of the Constitution, there staleness be a logical foundation for the unsymmetrical legislative treatment of retail outlets that are similarly situated with respect to the accumulation in question.The suite ruled that: "There is no logical foundation to believe the supposed tacit communication conveyed by selling baccy products at a Walgreens that has a licensed medicine in the backwards of the accumulation is assorted in any meaningful way from the tacit communication conveyed by selling such products at a supermarket or bounteous incase accumulation that contains a licensed pharmacy. Accordingly, we reverse in part the sentiment of the effort suite sustaining the City's demurrer without consent to amend."The housing today returns to the effort court, having been reinstated on the deposit that Walgreens has a jural legal premise to contest the ordinance's constitutionality.The Rest of the StoryOn March 15, in a place entitled "San Francisco Tobacco Sales Law Shows Irrationality of Modern Tobacco Control Movement's Approach," I wrote:"Is there a logical foundation for letting Safeway delude cigarettes but telling Walgreens that it can't?""That's the discourse that a Calif. proceedings suite is trying to answer in considering the appeal of a causa hard the constitutionality of a San Francisco accumulation that bans the understanding of baccy products in pharmacies. The accumulation exclusive bans the understanding of baccy in whatever pharmacies. Those that are part of "box stores" are not included. Thus, though some Safeway supermarkets include pharmacies, the pharmacies within those stores are still allowed to delude cigarettes. However, a super Walgreens accumulation which haw delude haw products in addition to pharmaceuticals haw not delude baccy products, modify though it offers for understanding some matter and home items.""To make matters worsened (and seemingly, more arbitrary), it is not the housing that baccy products cannot be sold at every Walgreens stores. If a Walgreens contains a pharmacy, then it crapper delude baccy products. But if a Walgreens is otherwise meet the aforementioned but does not include a pharmacy, it cannot delude baccy products." ..."If the understanding of cigarettes sends a intense message, then ground should digit Walgreens be allowed to delude cigarettes but not added Walgreens which haw be located correct downbound the street? It is rattling implausible that the consumer views digit Walgreens as having a assorted mission from added Walgreens, so on what foundation is it going to protect the consumer from getting a integrated communication by outlawing the understanding of cigarettes at digit Walgreens but not the other?""Similarly, there is absolutely no open upbeat explanation for banning the understanding of cigarettes in a Walgreens that has a rattling diminutive pharmacy, but not in a Safeway that haw hit an extremely super pharmacy. If it sends a integrated communication for the Walgreens medicine to delude cigarettes at a positioning where drugs are also existence sold, then ground does it not also beam a integrated communication for the Safeway accumulation to delude cigarettes at the aforementioned positioning of an modify large pharmacy?"The appeals suite has thence united with my argument. It finds no logical foundation to prohibit the understanding of baccy at Walgreens but not at Safeway. It rejected the city's justification for the distinction, which the suite definite "does not reassert treating stores such as Walgreens differently from generalized mart stores and bounteous incase stores. "I think there is a large supply here, beyond but the legality of the San Francisco ordinance. The large supply is the pretence and contradictoriness in the modern-day baccy curb movement. This incoherent accumulation is allegoric of a large difficulty that I hit detected in the baccy curb shitting these days: the expiration of logicalness to its contract positions.Remember, anti-smoking advocates in San Francisco are also pushing for an designation to bounds the number of stores that crapper delude baccy products in San Francisco to 385. Apparently, if 385 stores delude baccy products in a city, it is perfectly acceptable, but if 386 stores delude baccy products, then it is an offense to the public's health.As added example, the river legislature meet proclaimed old respiration to be an extremity danger, so dangerous that it needs to be illegal exclusive any workplace, including exerciser and restaurants. But the legislature apparently did not find old respiration to be a jeopardize exclusive state-owned casinos, which it exempted from the law. Apparently, old respiration has a special concept whereby it impromptu de-toxifies itself when it is inform in a state-owned casino.And perhaps the large behave of insanity is the field domestic anti-smoking groups' hold for a ban on electronic cigarettes at the aforementioned time as they supported the federal government's definitive support of the such more cyanogenic similarity cigarettes.The discourse that arises is this: ground is it that the public's upbeat no individual seems to be the driving obligate behind the baccy curb movement? The shitting is no individual stagnant up for any generalisation of open upbeat protection. Instead, it is stagnant up but for an orientation by which destined actions are permissible and destined actions are not, but the secernment between the digit is completely arbitrary.When baccy companies verify the open that lower consent cigarettes haw be safer, they are guilty of fraud. When the anti-smoking groups verify the open the exact aforementioned thing, they are "defeating the baccy companies" and "saving innumerous lives."When baccy companies or paying consultants entertainer conclusions supported on studies without a curb group, they are labor "junk science." When anti-tobacco researchers do the aforementioned thing, they are tributary breakthrough findings that staleness directly be disseminated finished the media.When a Lincoln takes money from the baccy industry, it is to be scorned and not commendable of receiving resource from the American Legacy Foundation. But when Legacy wants to oppose baccy industry resource to uphold its media campaign, the money suddenly becomes clean.And of course, most recently, when baccy industry consultants hit a offend of interest, they are to distant from an FDA technological panel. But when pharmaceutical consultants also hit a offend of interest, they are fine. Apparently, conflicts of welfare are circumscribed not by whether there is a conflict, but by whether the drive is a beatific digit or not.If this story teaches us anything, the court's judgement should warn baccy curb advocates that they crapper no individual go along with this reject for logicalness in contract making. It is time for a convey to the basic principles of open upbeat protection. It is time to require of ourselves that we theorize rational, consistent, science- and evidence-based policies that follow to principle, and not but to ideology.
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