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2011年3月20日 星期日
FDA Advisory Panel Does Not Recommend Menthol Ban and Warns of Potential Black Market: Huge Victory for Lorillard
first PregnancyIn what is certainly a Brobdingnagian conclusion and respire of comfort for Lorillard, the FDA's Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee (TPSAC) today free its recommendations regarding menthol cigarettes and did not direct propose that the bureau forbiddance these products. Instead, the Committee but noted that forbidding menthol cigarettes could goodness the public's upbeat by causation many smokers to quit, and recommended that the bureau but consider the supply further. Moreover, the Committee explicitly warned most the possibleness black mart consequences that could be related with a menthol forbiddance and urged the bureau to carefully think much possibleness personalty before attractive some much action.After a digit sentence congratulations that states: "Removal of menthol cigarettes from the activity would goodness open upbeat in the United States," the inform emphasizes that it "has no limited suggestions for follow-up by bureau to this recommendation."The inform emphasizes that "TPSAC is not proposing limited contract actions that should be condemned by FDA... ."After the digit sentence "recommendation," the inform then provides a flooded digit and a half pages of details most the possibleness inauspicious personalty of a menthol forbiddance related to contraband cigarettes and a black market, and concludes that the bureau would requirement to carefully assess the possibleness for contraband menthol cigarettes.The Rest of the StoryIf I worked for Lorillard, I would be breathed a Brobdingnagian respire of comfort this afternoon. This is essentially a best-case scenario for Lorillard, as the the TSPAC took the small drastic state that could mayhap hit been due given the make-up of the commission and the conclusions regarding the marketing and effect of menthol in its report.Here is what TPSAC did not do:Most importantly, the Committee did not propose a forbiddance on menthol cigarettes. This is a Brobdingnagian conclusion for Lorillard.Second, the Committee did not propose reductions in levels of menthol. Another conclusion for LorillardThird, the Committee did not propose marketing restrictions on menthol cigarettes. Yet another conclusion for Lorillard.And fourth, the Committee did not place some particular instance inclose or limited congratulations for state on the FDA. It but noted that a menthol forbiddance would goodness the public's upbeat and leaves it at that.Here is what TSPAC did do:Most importantly, TPSAC gave the bureau a Brobdingnagian out by elaborating in discourse every of the possibleness inauspicious consequences of a menthol cigarette ban.Second, TPSAC gave the bureau the goodness of instance by state the grandness of boost analyse of the doable ramifications of a menthol ban.In essence, what the TPSAC did is what legislative committees do when they poverty to react a manoeuvre without scornful its sponsors: they send it to committee for boost review.The bureau today has exactly what it needs to refrain having to verify on a difficult semipolitical issue. I hit prefabricated clear my opinion that the bureau is not going to forbiddance menthol, regardless of the TPSAC recommendations, purely for semipolitical reasons. Taking on a menthol forbiddance is the terminal thing in the concern that the Administration needs right now, at a instance when it is conflict with every terminal breath meet to reassert the upbeat tending package that passed terminal assemblage and to fend soured semipolitical alteration from attacks that bounteous government has condemned over upbeat care.The semipolitical prospects for a menthol forbiddance were baritone to zero modify before this report. But now, the bureau has every the justification and back-up it needs to spend face modify to the most staunch upbeat advocates. The bureau crapper feature that its proficient commission warned most possibleness black mart personalty and stressed that the Agency needs to think the supply boost before attractive some drastic actions.It is essential to state that every of the field conclusions of the inform are things that we already knew. We didn't requirement a flooded assemblage of investigate and taxpayer expenditures to encounter out that "Menthol cigarettes hit an inauspicious effect on open upbeat in the United States" (what cigarettes do not?) We also didn't requirement a flooded assemblage of effort to hold that "There are no open upbeat benefits of menthol compared to non-menthol cigarettes" (what cigarettes do hit benefits compared to others?).We knew a assemblage past that forbidding menthol would hit open upbeat benefits (this is exactly why Lorillard was so worried most a possibleness ban).What we didn't undergo a assemblage past was whether the TPSAC would propose that the bureau forbiddance menthol.Now we undergo the answer. And it is a resounding NO. Although TPSAC prefabricated it clear that forbidding menthol would goodness the public's health, the Committee did not make much a recommendation. Instead, TPSAC swept the supply low the carpeting by gift the bureau an out, attractive the push soured the bureau by removing some instance pressure, not occupation for some limited bureau action, and state in the great discourse every the possibleness inauspicious personalty of a forbiddance that the bureau staleness carefully think preceding to implementing a ban.The rest of the story is that TPSAC punted and Lorillard returns this boot for a touchdown.
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