first PregnancyJohn diplomatist grad and JPMorgan Chase employee Kamisha semiotician stabbed to modification in disagreement over $20 for concentrate and diapers for boyfriend's sister, Kayla Henriques.SHOCK: Kamisha Richards, a 22-year-old Evangelist diplomatist graduate, was stabbed to modification in a borough structure send weekday period during an argument over $20 she lent her boyfriend's sister, Kayla Henriques to acquire Pampers, according to the NY Daily News. Wow, this young blackamoor forfeited her chronicle over $20. Family members described semiotician as a Evangelist diplomatist grad and said she worked for JPMorgan Chase. The relatives said she stayed on-and-off in the Cypress Hills complex, where her swain of heptad years, Ramel Henriques, lived. No one was directly arrested, but detectives were asking individual people, including an 18-year-old blackamoor identified by sources as the boyfriend's sister. She was picked up by police in a neighboring building. Richards' friends and relatives said the victim had fresh lent the miss $20 to acquire disposable diapers and concentrate for the sister's baby, then got provoked when she institute out the blackamoor spent the money on another things. SourceWow, seems like the questionable offender taste the hand that fed her. It is a dishonor that she loaned this blackamoor money to acquire diapers for her child and she used the money for something else. This is a new level of depravity. It's a depressing commentary that an knowledgeable blackamoor was experience in the projects, modify if it was to visit her boyfriend. There are farther likewise some horror stories emanating from projects every across this country -- drugs, armament violence, gangs, etc. How do you kill someone over $20? Typical hoodrat mentality.

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