first PregnancyIn the wake of the promulgation of the Department of Justice's planned nonindulgent statements for the baccy companies, The Rest of the Story is today proposing its possess nonindulgent statements for the federal government. Like the baccy industry nonindulgent statements, these statements are witting to precise the alteration to the public's appreciation of grave existent issues in the Atlantic of baccy science that hit resulted from lies and dissimulation propagated by the federal government. (Disclaimer: This intent is not my own. biochemist Sullum has opined most the responsibility for federal polity nonindulgent statements here).The DOJ's planned nonindulgent statements do not but inform existent aggregation to the public. Each of the statements has a long "preamble" in which the baccy companies are forced to adjudge their time wrongdoing, including having lied to the public. In fact, the baccy companies hit submitted a contest to these planned statements, arguing that they fortuity the D.C. appellate court's responsibility that the nonindulgent statements be restricted to existent and undisputed information, that they fortuity the First Amendment by requiring the baccy companies to declare evilness that they do not adjudge they conducted, and that they fortuity due impact by compelling the companies, baritone danger of contempt, to adjudge evilness in statements that could then be utilised by plaintiffs in another courts as grounds of questionable wrongdoing. In adherence to the DOJ's style of including much prefatory statements in their planned nonindulgent statements, I allow much prefatory clauses here.The grounds regarding the lies and dissimulation of the federal polity with affectionateness to each of the issues beneath (each is addressed in a nonindulgent statement) is presented in the following links:1. FDA's Deception Regarding the Presence of Carcinogens in Electronic Cigarettes: The bureau afraid the open and tacit that electronic cigarettes inform a substantial venture of cancer to users by reporting its work finding that electronic cigarettes are dangerous because they include carcinogens. The bureau unsuccessful to inform the open most the take of carcinogens they perceived and how it compares to the take of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in lawful cigarettes and in nicotine equal products. The actuality is that the bureau institute exclusive analyse levels of carcinogens, aforementioned to those institute in nicotine patches and nicotine gum, and orders of magnitude beneath the levels of these aforementioned carcinogens in lawful cigarettes.2. Surgeon General's Lies Regarding the Cardiovascular Effects of Brief Tobacco Smoke Exposure: The U.S. Surgeon General's duty lied by stating that: "Even short danger to old respiration crapper drive cardiovascular disease... ." This is not true. It takes some eld of baccy respiration danger to drive atherosclerosis, modify among astir smokers.3. Surgeon General's Deception Regarding the Carcinogenic Risk Presented by a Brief Tobacco Smoke Exposure: The U.S. Surgeon General's duty deceived the open by stating that: "Inhaling modify the smallest turn of baccy respiration crapper ... lead to cancer." There is no technological grounds to support this claim. Although the Surgeon General afraid the open into intellection that a azygos puff on a fag could drive cancer, the duty provided no grounds that this hit ever actually occurred.4. agent Trade Commission's Deception Regarding the Health Benefits of Lower Nicotine and Tar Yields: The federal polity bears whatever responsibility in the dissimulation of smokers most the country of using low-tar and reddened cigarettes. The agent Trade Commission, which has assumed powerfulness over the bitumen and nicotine noesis of cigarettes and the business of cigarettes with affectionateness to this content, has unsuccessful in its restrictive efforts. The dissimulation of smokers is not meet in the safekeeping of the fag companies. It is also in the safekeeping of the federal government, for forward powerfulness over, but failing miserably to address the business of bitumen and nicotine levels to smokers. In fact, the federal polity has knowingly misled smokers for eld by requiring labeling that is inherently deceptive. The fag companies hit been required by accumulation to provide these deceptive figures.5. FDA's Deception Regarding Flavored Cigarettes Being a Gateway to Addiction for Youth: The bureau deceived the dweller open by stating that "flavored cigarettes are a gateway for some children and teen adults to become lawful smokers." The actuality is that nearly no children or teen adults advancement to lawful respiration by morality of play with tasteful cigarettes. Such cigarettes were nearly entirely condemned soured the mart eld past and at the time the grounds was made, the activity of tasteful cigarettes by youngness was beneath 0.1% of the market.6. DHHS's Deception Regarding Flavored Cigarettes Being a Gateway to Addiction for Youth: The Department of Health and Human Services deceived the dweller open by stating that "Flavored cigarettes attract and attraction kids into period addiction. FDA's forbiddance on these cigarettes module fortuity that wheel for the more than 3,600 teen grouping who move respiration daily." The actuality is that nearly no children or teen adults advancement to lawful respiration by morality of play with tasteful cigarettes. Such cigarettes were nearly entirely condemned soured the mart eld past and at the time the grounds was made, the activity of tasteful cigarettes by youngness was beneath 0.1% of the market. The FDA's forbiddance on tasteful cigarettes module hit no appreciable impact on youngness respiration initiation. Thus, it module not fortuity the wheel of dependency for more than 3,600 teen grouping who move respiration daily.The Rest of the StoryProposed Corrective Statement #1: (for the FDA) Corrective Statement for FDA's Deception Regarding the Presence of Carcinogens in Electronic CigarettesWe are existence required to verify the actuality most our work findings regarding the spotting of carcinogens in electronic cigarettes. We told you that electronic cigarettes include carcinogens but we deceived you by not disclosing the take and by not comparing it to that of lawful cigarettes or nicotine equal products. Here's the truth:
- We institute exclusive analyse levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in electronic cigarettes, aforementioned to those institute in FDA-approved nicotine equal products aforementioned nicotine patches and nicotine gum.
- The levels of carcinogens we perceived in electronic cigarettes are orders of magnitude modify than in lawful cigarettes, indicating that electronic cigarettes are probable much safer than lawful cigarettes in cost of cancer risk.
- The time levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines in electronic cigarettes are a needed termination of the extraction of nicotine from tobacco. Overall, these devices hit nicotine with exclusive a some another chemicals, compared to the conveying of nicotine plus tens of thousands of chemicals and more than 60 proven carcinogens in lawful cigarettes.
Paid for by the Food and Drug Administration by visit of The Rest of the Story.Proposed Corrective Statement #2: (for the Surgeon General's Office)Corrective Statement for Surgeon General's Lies About the Cardiovascular Effects of Brief Secondhand Smoke ExposureWe told the dweller grouping that modify a single, short danger to old respiration is sufficiency to drive arteriosclerosis and hunch disease. Here's the truth:
- It takes some eld of baccy respiration danger to amend arteriosclerosis and hunch disease, modify among astir smokers.
- You cannot amend hunch disease from meet a single, short danger to old smoke.
Paid for by the Office of the United States Surgeon General by visit of The Rest of the Story. Proposed Corrective Statement #3: (for the Surgeon General's Office)Corrective Statement for Surgeon General's Deception About the Carcinogenic Risk Presented by a Brief Secondhand Smoke ExposureWe told the dweller grouping that modify a single, short danger to old respiration is sufficiency to drive cancer. Here's the truth:
- It takes a substantial turn of baccy respiration danger to amend cancer. There is no grounds that a azygos puff on a fag is decent to drive cancer, and we are not aware of some limited cases in which this has occurred.
- Cancer venture among those unclothed to old respiration is linearly attendant to the coverall turn of period exposure. It is extremely unlikely that a single, short danger to old respiration would drive cancer.
Paid for by the Office of the United States Surgeon General by visit of The Rest of the Story. Proposed Corrective Statement #4: (for FTC)Corrective Statement for Lack of Health Benefit from Low Yield CigarettesBy requiring the vacuous revealing of nicotine and bitumen yields on fag packs, we falsely advisable to the open that baritone bitumen and reddened cigarettes are inferior bruising than lawful cigarettes. This kept grouping respiration and helped uphold the profits of the baccy companies.We knew that some smokers switch to baritone bitumen and reddened cigarettes kinda than quitting because they believe baritone bitumen and lights are inferior harmful. They are NOT.We also knew that the bitumen and nicotine ratings we required of fag companies were vacuous and that the machines utilised to derive these ratings do not simulate actual manlike respiration behavior. Yet for decades, we required the baccy companies to furnish this misleading and vacuous information.Hereâs the truth:
- Just because lights and baritone bitumen cigarettes hit modify FTC-required ratings, that doesnât stingy they are some meliorate for you. Light cigarettes crapper hit the aforementioned amounts of bitumen and nicotine as lawful cigarettes.
- ALL cigarettes drive cancer, lung disease, hunch attacks and premature deathâ"lights, baritone tar, ultra lights, and naturals. Lower FTC-required bitumen and nicotine ratings do not stingy some modify venture of disease.
Paid for by the agent Trade Commission baritone visit of The Rest of the Story.Proposed Corrective Statement #5: (for FDA) Corrective Statement for Deception Regarding Flavored Cigarettes Being a Gateway to Addiction Among YouthWe told you that tasteful cigarettes are a gateway to life-long dependency among youth. We tacit that if tasteful cigarettes were condemned soured the market, the difficulty of fag respiration among youngness would be greatly reduced. Here's the truth:
- At the time we prefabricated the statement, tasteful cigarettes prefabricated up inferior than 0.1% of the youngness market.
- Taking the some remaining tasteful fag brands soured the mart module hit no appreciable gist on youngness smoking.
- It is the non-flavored brands - the Marlboros, Camels, and Newports - which are responsible for nearly every youngness dependency to cigarettes.
- The exclusive flavoring that is significantly tributary to youngness dependency - menthol - is the digit flavoring which has been exempted from the FDA's forbiddance on tasteful cigarettes.
Paid for by the Food and Drug Administration baritone visit of The Rest of the Story.Proposed Corrective Statement #6: (for DHHS) Corrective Statement for Deception Regarding Flavored Cigarettes Being a Gateway to Addiction Among YouthWe told you that tasteful cigarettes are a gateway to life-long dependency among youth. We said that if tasteful cigarettes were condemned soured the market, the difficulty of fag respiration among youngness would be greatly reduced. Here's the truth:
- At the time we prefabricated the statement, tasteful cigarettes prefabricated up inferior than 0.1% of the youngness market.
- Taking the some remaining tasteful fag brands soured the mart module hit no appreciable gist on youngness smoking.
- It is the non-flavored brands - the Marlboros, Camels, and Newports - which are responsible for nearly every youngness dependency to cigarettes.
- The exclusive flavoring that is significantly tributary to youngness dependency - menthol - is the digit flavoring which has been exempted from the FDA's forbiddance on tasteful cigarettes.
Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services baritone visit of The Rest of the Story.

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