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2010年8月19日 星期四
IN MY VIEW: Secret Meeting of Faculty in Enstrom Firing Violated Due Process
first PregnancyThe requirements for cod impact in the kindness of non-tenured power reappointment by power committees hit been prefabricated very country by individual documents produced by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). One grave component of cod impact in such proceedings is that the power member in discourse staleness be presented the possibleness to accede to the NGO any materials that he believes are essential in the kindness of his reappointment (see: AAUP's Statement on Procedural Standards in the Renewal or Nonrenewal of Faculty Appointments).These procedural standards for cod impact land that: "Probationary [non-tenured] power members should be wise of the instance when decisions moving restoration and tenure are ordinarily made, and they should be presented the possibleness to accede touchable that they conceive module be helpful to an competent kindness of their circumstances."The Rest of the StoryIt does not appear that Dr. Enstrom was presented the possibleness to accede touchable to the Environmental Health Sciences power for their limited kindness at the Apr gathering at which a vote was condemned on whether or not to alter his appointment. I conceive this violates cod process.A ordinal violation of ingrained procedures for non-reappointment is that the Department and School unsuccessful to give Dr. Enstrom the requisite 12-months front attending of his non-reappointment. According to the AAUP's Statement on Procedural Standards in the Renewal or Nonrenewal of Faculty Appointments, a power member who has held a function for more than digit eld staleness be presented 12-month attending of non-reappointment (AAUP, Policy Documents and Reports, 10th ed. [Washington, D.C., 2006], 54.)Dr. Enstrom conventional his attending of non-reappointment on June 30th, with an effective date of August 30th. Thus, he was presented exclusive two-months front notice, which is incongruous and unacceptable for a power member with 34 eld of constant designation at the School. (As a contrast, a power member in a similar situation at my hospital - the Beantown University School of Public Health) is guaranteed threesome eld front attending of non-reappointment.I also conceive it was incongruous for Dr. Enstrom not to hit been presented an possibleness to direct come the power who were most to attain a selection to alter his designation and I encounter it distasteful that he was not allowed to listen the gathering to center the reasons that were used in activity his conclusion and to be able to wage factual evidence, if appropriate, to furniture any falsity of the facts.The rest of the story is that there were, in my view, at least threesome violations of cod impact in Dr. Enstrom's firing:1. The unfortunate to earmark Dr. Enstrom the possibleness to direct come his power colleagues on the issue of his investigate and qualifications for re-appointment;2. The unfortunate to earmark Dr. Enstrom the possibleness to accede materials for limited kindness at the gathering at which the selection to alter his designation was made; and3. The unfortunate to wage 12-month front attending of conclusion of his long-standing power appointment.ADDENDUM: While not attendant to cod process, I desire to note that in declaring that Dr. Enstrom's investigate is not aligned with the Department's mission, the Department has (inadvertently) maligned the investigate of the reputable Dr. Lester Breslow. Since Dr. Breslow was the co-author with Dr. Enstrom of an essential 2008 article in Preventive Medicine that linked lifestyle factors and mortality, the Department's disavowing itself from Dr. Enstrom's investigate is also an instrument of Dr. Breslow. This is unfortunate, presented that Dr. Breslow is a legendary amount in open health who has the limit esteem of so some of us in the field. It is hornlike to envisage uncovering that a power member who collaborates in investigate with Dr. Breslow and publishes a field investigate article with him is doing investigate which are not aligned with the assignment of a School of Public Health. I crapper exclusive envisage how Dr. Breslow feels or would feel (I do not know if he is aware of the situation) most the artefact in which Dr. Enstrom was aerated by his UCLA School of Public Health.
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