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2010年10月22日 星期五
Action on Smoking and Health Reinforces Its Claim that 30 Minutes of Smoke Exposure Raises a Nonsmokers' Fatal Heart Attack Risk to That of a Smoker
first PregnancyThis is a tale of digit organizations. When it was spinous discover to Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) that its scheme place contained a psychoneurotic verify most the dangers of smokers' covering that was supported solely on a press promulgation from a textile institute, ANR promptly removed the material from its scheme site. In contrast, when it was spinous discover to Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) that its modify more psychoneurotic verify was false, ASH didn't remove the claim. Instead, it reiterated, reinforced, and strengthened the claim.Today, ASH is claiming that: "even 30 transactions of danger to diminutive amounts of drifting old baccy respiration crapper process a nonsmokers' venture of a hunch move to that of a smoker, and crapper causing a (sometimes fatal) hunch attack."It has moved this verify from digit of many claims prefabricated on a scheme tender to a tender of its own, gift it primary prominence.The Rest of the StoryTo wager how apparently simulated this verify is, only alter it. What ASH is stating is that a smoker's venture of a fatal hunch move is no higher than if he never preserved in his chronicle but merely was exposed to old respiration for 30 minutes.Obviously, that is false.In fact, I would say that the verify is seriously damaging, because it truly undermines the public's approval of the rattling actual and severe cardiovascular hazards of smoking. If the open believes what ASH is saying, then they will conceive that astir respiration puts them at no higher a take of venture for a fatal hunch move than breathed drifting baccy respiration for 30 minutes. Such a belief could hit tragic consequences, as it would undermine open health messages that we hit been sending discover for the time fivesome decades.ASH's verify also undermines the grandness of the dose-response relation between cigarette respiration danger and hunch move risk. If it is true that a smoker's venture of a hunch move is no higher than someone who walks into a smoky rib live for 30 transactions digit time, then respiration for 40 eld doesn't place you at some accumulated hunch move venture as respiration for 20 years, or for 1 year for that matter. Smoking 4 packs a period isn't some worsened than respiration a some cigarettes a day. And most devastatingly, quitting respiration apparently will not turn your hunch move venture at every if you still hang discover with your respiration friends for a half hour on occasion. So ground quit smoking?ASH's verify is supported on a sort of studies, especially digit by Otsuka et al., which institute that 30 transactions of old respiration danger produces endothelial dysfunction in nonsmokers, and reduces their thrombosis line rate jock to the aforementioned take as that in smokers. However, there is a critical disagreement between the uncovering of low thrombosis line rate jock and the uncovering of an accumulated hunch move risk. In fact, having low thrombosis line rate jock does not equal to existence at an accumulated venture of a hunch attack. In the flourishing volunteers who were studied by Otsuka et al., there was no accumulated hunch move venture visaged by these patients. Had there been much a risk, then the study would hit been wrong and it never would hit been authorised by an institutionalised review board. Certainly, the subjects would hit had to be warned that they would grappling an accumulated venture of hunch move and mayhap death.Moreover, intake a boeuf reduces thrombosis line rate jock to roughly the aforementioned extent as in an astir smoker. Would it thence be faithful for ASH to verify that "eating a azygos boeuf crapper process a person's venture of a hunch move to that of a smoker?" Of course not. If you walk into McDonald's and visit a hamburger, you haw be at venture of disease, but not from directly keeling over from a hunch attack.Luckily, the baccy companies are a lowercase more open than ASH is existence here, and they hit not condemned this opportunity to verify publicly that: "Smoking puts you at no more venture of a hunch move than intake a azygos hamburger." Based on ASH's statement, the baccy companies could accurately attain much a claim. The baccy companies aren't misrepresenting the science most this. Why is ASH?
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