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2010年10月29日 星期五
New York City Enacts Feel-Good Measure that Accomplishes Nothing But Demonstrates Hypocrisy and Cowardice of City Council
first PregnancyLast year, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg signed governing that illegal the sale of tasteful baccy products in the City. The legislation, unlike federal law, covers every baccy products, not just cigarettes. Thus, not exclusive are tasteful cigarettes banned, but so likewise are tasteful cigars, tasteful cigarillos, and tasteful smokeless tobacco.The City Council boasts that this manoeuvre is feat to turn youngness baccy use, as some baccy companies ingest flavorings to support stimulate teen grouping to try these products.The Rest of the StoryIf you read the not-so-fine print of the legislation, it makes an omission for menthol, wintergreen, and mint.Not coincidentally, menthol is the exclusive flavoring that is actually utilised by fag companies to some extent and wintergreen and strike are the primary flavorings utilised by smokeless baccy companies.Thus, the City Council is claiming to tending most protecting kids from tasteful tobacco, but is actually protecting the baccy companies' profits from a potential loss of income that could occur if the Council rattling did ban the tasteful products that teen grouping are consuming.This is null but a ruse. It is fashioned to attain it countenance same the Council rattling cares most youngness respiration and has the semipolitical courage to do something most it, but the actuality is that it is an act of semipolitical cowardliness and conspicuous hypocrisy.What the Council is locution is: "We don't rattling poverty to hit some effect on baccy profits (thus the exemption for the exclusive tasteful products that kids actually consume), but we poverty to attain it countenance same we are doing something to protect kids. So we are feat to get the best of both worlds. Make it countenance same we actually tending and are stagnant up to Big Tobacco. But don't actually do anything that would engender actual semipolitical opposition, modify baccy consort profits, or turn youngness baccy use.
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