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2010年10月19日 星期二
ANR Removes Unsupported Thirdhand Smoke Claim from Web Site
first PregnancyPresumably in salutation to my commentaries pointing out the lack of technological hold for the verify that impinging a smoker's covering crapper drive large wound and medicine trauma to children, Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) has distant from its scheme site all references to this claim, which was originally made by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and based on a large deceit of a press release by a textile hospital (original ANR scheme page; current ANR scheme page).I congratulate ANR on having the technological state to remove this groundless verify from its scheme site. I hope that ASH module also follow suit.As I explained yesterday, the rigor of our technological analyse of claims that we attain is grave because if we attain increased claims in digit Atlantic (e.g., thirdhand smoke), it module change the public's perception of our credibility in making claims in added Atlantic (e.g., old respiration or modify astir smoking). We don't poverty the open to intercommunicate away the baby with the clean water. But that's exactly what grouping module do once we retrograde the public's trust. People are not going to discriminate between the accurate claims and those which are increased or untrue. They module simply discount everything that we say.We saw an superior warning of this in the swine contagion anxiousness terminal year, when increased claims made by upbeat groups led to large disregard for the rattling serious and actual - but farther inferior psychoneurotic - risks display by swine flu. As a result, immunisation rates were dismal for the swine contagion vaccine. This led to unneeded morbidity and modify mortality. It was a actual chronicle warning of how expiration of the public's consortium cod to increased upbeat claims crapper lead to a open upbeat disaster.The Rest of the StoryNow that ANR has distant the groundless verify that but impinging a smoker's covering crapper drive large wound and medicine damage, I hope that it reviews and removes its equally psychoneurotic and groundless verify that 30 transactions of old respiration danger causes hunch alteration kindred to that caused by habitual astir smokers and that 30 transactions of danger reduces the knowledge of the hunch to intend life-giving blood.The verify that ANR makes is as follows: "Just cardinal transactions of danger to old respiration crapper drive hunch alteration kindred to that of habitual smokers. Nonsmokersâ hunch arteries showed a low knowledge to dilate, diminishing the knowledge of the hunch to intend life-giving blood."ANR has grossly increased the results of the Otsuka et al. think so much that they overturned an essential technological finding into a conspicuous falsity of the truth.It is not genuine that 30 transactions of old respiration danger causes some hunch damage, much inferior alteration that is kindred to that uninterrupted after some eld of astir smoking. It is also not genuine that the whist of nonsmokers unclothed to old respiration for 30 transactions are impaired in their knowledge to intend life-giving blood.In fact, the Otsuka et al. study, which is the digit being relied upon for this statement, actually demonstrated that there is no impairment of basal thrombosis arteria murder line in subjects unclothed to broad levels of old respiration for 30 minutes. The think itself documents that there was not some low knowledge of the hunch to intend life-giving blood!Thus, the statement is contradicted by the rattling think which ANR claims supports it.There is, in fact, no grounds that 30 transactions of old respiration causes some hunch damage. Does it impair the duty of the cells lining the thrombosis arteries? Yes. But does that drive hunch damage? No. Not from just 30 transactions of exposure.If uninterrupted over some years, the endothelial dysfunction caused by baccy respiration danger could termination in atherosclerosis. However, this is not going to become from a 30-minute exposure. So it is massively deceptive to declare that a 30 time danger causes hunch damage, much inferior that it causes hunch alteration that is kindred to that observed in long-term astir smokers, who may hit developed nonindulgent thrombosis arteria stenosis and suffered hunch attacks which destroyed hunch muscle.Given the actual technological grounds most the hazardous personalty of old respiration exposure, including the development of hunch disease among individuals with habitual old respiration exposure, ground does ANR requirement to exaggerate and distort the truth?
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