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2010年10月14日 星期四
Stop and Think About This: Anti-Smoking Groups are Telling the Public that Touching a Smoker's Clothes Can Cause Massive Skin and Neurological Damage
Pregnancy first trimesterMy Warnings About the Degradation of the Scientific Integrity of the Tobacco Control Movement Have, Unfortunately, Come TrueFor the time octad years, I hit been warning the baccy curb community most a sloping but steady fall in the technological rigor of the movement. During the first three of those years, my warnings were interior and spoken finished baccy curb list-serves, communicating groups, and other interior communications. For the time fivesome years, I hit cursive most this supply on The Rest of the Story.Many of my colleagues in baccy curb hit unemployed my warnings, informing me that I was being overly critical and that the technological state of the shitting was in no danger.As we set here today, digit major baccy curb groups - Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) are informing the open that only impinging a smoker's covering is extremely dangerous and crapper drive large wound and medicine alteration to children.Both organizations - on their scheme sites - hit the mass statement: "Parents who do not respiration in the presence of their children, including modify those who respiration only outdoors, nevertheless place their children at earnest risk of "massive damage" to both wound and cheek cells, since a neurotoxin in thirdhand baccy respiration penetrates the child's skin, according to recent investigate in Germany." (ASH evidence here; ANR evidence here)If readers kibosh and conceive most this for meet a moment, they module realize that my warnings hit indeed become true: the technological rigor of the shitting has deteriorated. So such so that we are today swing discover communications to the open warning that only impinging a smoker's covering crapper drive large medicine and wound alteration to children.Need I feature more? The housing appears to be closed.The Rest of the StoryIf we analyse how these claims are "supported," you module see what I stingy in arguing that the technological rigor of the baccy curb shitting has deteriorated.Upon which of the mass do you conceive these claims are based:(a) A meta-analysis of several peer-reviewed technological studies demonstrating clinically momentous wound and medicine alteration among children who hit grazed a smoker's clothing.(b) A single, peer-reviewed, technological think demonstrating clinically momentous wound and medicine alteration among children who hit grazed a smoker's clothing.(c) A azygos peer-reviewed technological think demonstrating an gist of baccy respiration residue on wound and cheek cells in a radiophone society model.(d) A think demonstrating an gist of baccy respiration residue on wound and cheek cells in a radiophone society model.(e) A advise promulgation issued in union with the business of a think on the gist of smokers' covering on wound and cheek cells.(f) A advise promulgation issued in union with a non-peer-reviewed think on the gist of smokers' covering on wound and cheek cells.(g) A advise promulgation by researchers at an academic institution, without some concomitant study.(h) A advise promulgation by researchers at a textile institution, without some concomitant study.(i) A advise release, without some concomitant study, by researchers at a textile hospital which aims to market, and profit from, the understanding of conserving covering oversubscribed to parents who they are healthy to scare most the possibleness cyanogenic personalty to children of impinging a smoker's clothing.Sadly, the respond is:I. A advise release, without some concomitant study, by researchers at a textile hospital which aims to market, and profit from, the understanding of conserving covering oversubscribed to parents who they are healthy to scare most the possibleness cyanogenic personalty to children of impinging a smoker's clothing.Do you stingy to verify me that Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights - the directive anti-smoking assemble handling with the supply of secondhand respiration - is disseminating the verify that a child crapper suffer large wound and cheek radiophone alteration only from impinging a smoker's clothes, supported solely on the results of a advise promulgation by a textile firm that is aiming to delude primary conserving clothes to parents alarmed most the possibleness personalty of their banter impinging their clothes?Do you stingy to verify me that before swing this verify up on its scheme site, ANR unsuccessful to scrutinize the news to encounter discover whether there was an actual think that could be evaluated for its technological continuance and merit?Do you stingy to verify me that before dismaying the open with a psychoneurotic verify which flies in the face of ordinary sense, ANR unsuccessful to place forward modify an iota of technological judgment to appraise whether there was some rigour behindhand the claim?The rest of the story, sadly, is that ANR blindly disseminated this verify without some technological scrutiny whatsoever. The verify is supported solely on a advise release.And that advise promulgation does not become from neutral scientists, but from a disturbed hospital that is aiming to delude textiles that verify to weaken the toxins in cigarette respiration and crapper be oversubscribed to psychoneurotic parents who are worried that their kids strength be harmed meet by impinging their clothes.The aforementioned hospital which is aiming to delude the conserving covering for smokers is today jactitation most a newborn type of floor mop.So the rest of the story, actually, is the following:ANR and ASH are informing the open that impinging a smoker's covering crapper drive large wound and cheek alteration to children, supported solely on a advise promulgation from an hospital that markets floor mops.Need I feature more?
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