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2010年5月11日 星期二
American Lung Association Says There is No Scientific Evidence that Cigarette Smoking is Any More Dangerous than Vaping; Scientific Competence is Shot
Pregnancy first trimesterIn a open grounds in support of an Illinois calculate that would forbiddance the understanding of electronic cigarettes, the dweller Lung Association has expressed that there is no technological grounds that respiration cigarettes is some more chanceful than quitting respiration nudity and using exclusive electronic cigarettes.In added words, the dweller Lung Association is informing the open that the ingest of a product which burns tobacco, produces more than 10,000 chemicals, including more than 40 famous carcinogens, and has been shown to drive hundreds of thousands of modification apiece year in the U.S. is no more chanceful than a product which contains no baccy and delivers exclusive nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, and analyse amounts of a some added constituents.The dweller Lung Association states: "There is no technological grounds that e-cigarettes are safer for consumers than lawful baccy products."Along the same lines, the dweller Lung Association states: "It would be duplicitous to let smokers think they are making a positive modify by switching to these products kinda than quitting."Once again, the Lung Association is stating that it is meet as flourishing to respiration cigarettes as it is to depart smoking, if you depart respiration finished the ingest of electronic cigarettes.The Rest of the StoryWith this statement, the dweller Lung Association has completely forfeited every technological credibility.Even the baccy companies are not arguing that their products are no more chanceful than electronic cigarettes, which contain no baccy and hit been shown to contain exclusive analyse levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines and no added carcinogens.It shouldn't verify a rocket toxicologist to figure discover that a product which delivers nicotine nonnegative more than 10,000 chemicals, including high levels of famous carcinogens, is going to be more chanceful than a product which delivers nicotine, without those 10,000 chemicals and carcinogens.While it is genuine that the safety of electronic cigarettes has not been registered in medicine studies, work studies hit demonstrated that these products are probable to be much, such safer than lawful cigarettes. These work studies certainly represent technological grounds that these products are safer. Thus, it is inaccurate and slaphappy for the dweller Lung Association to land that there is no technological grounds that vaping is some inferior chanceful than smoking. In oppositeness to the false statements made by the Lung Association, electronic cigarettes hit been studied extensively and their constituents hit been carefully defined by pedal chromatography and accumulation spectrometry in a sort of studies. Based on these examinations, there has been exclusive digit potentially chanceful danger identified (diethylene glycol) and so far, that has been institute in exclusive digit sort of electronic cigarettes. All added brands of electronic cigarettes tested hit been perverse for diethylene glycol. The added field constituents in electronic cigarettes - propylene antifreeze and alcohol - are mostly recognized as safe. Moreover, in spite of having been on the mart for more than three years, there are no famous reports of earnest inauspicious personalty of these products.To be honest, how the dweller Lung Association can land that they are unsafe cigarette respiration is some more chanceful than vaping is problematic to me. Not exclusive is it baffling, but it is slaphappy and damaging. According to the Lung Association, smokers who hit depart respiration successfully using electronic cigarettes are better soured returning to their Marlboros than remaining ex-smokers with the ingest of electronic cigarettes. Any physician who gave that advice would be doing a enthusiastic disservice to his or her patients. What the dweller Lung Association is doing, then, is committing open upbeat malpractice on a massive scale.Where the dweller Lung Association tips its hand, and perhaps attain its scientifically inept statements inferior baffling, is when it refers to "switching to these products kinda than quitting." What the dweller Lung Association ostensibly fails to see is that switching to these products is quitting.In added words, as farther as the Lung Association is concerned, if you go finished the motions of what looks same smoking, you are a smoker, modify if you hit depart respiration and are no individual using baccy products. It is the act of going finished the motions that look same smoking, not the upbeat hazards of those actions, which the dweller Lung Association is conflict against. Thus, the Lung Association has become blinded by orientation and has forfeited range of the actual goal: rising the public's health.Had the Lung Association expressed that there are no medicine studies which hit registered that vaping is safer than smoking, that would hit been digit thing. But to land that there is no technological grounds at every that vaping is safer than respiration is completely misrepresenting the science that is pronto available.The rest of the news is that not exclusive has the dweller Lung Association forfeited its technological credibility, but it has also forfeited range of the content of protecting the public's health. Instead, it is ostensibly blinded by ideology. Or perhaps, blinded as substantially by money. The money it receives from Big Pharma is perhaps added think why the Lung Association is acting to protect Big Tobacco and Big Pharma profits, kinda than the upbeat of the dweller people.
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