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2010年5月22日 星期六
New Study Concludes that Smoking Ban in Arizona Decreased Heart Attacks, Despite Increase in Heart Attacks in Most of the State
first PregnancyA newborn think publicised online ahead of indicant in the dweller Journal of Public Health concludes that the statewide respiration forbiddance in Arizona caused a change in accent myocardial pathology [AMI] (heart attack) admissions in the land (see: bandleader PM, Walsh ME. Hospital admissions for accent myocardial infarction, angina, stroke, and asthma after feat of Arizona's broad statewide respiration ban. dweller Journal of Public Health 2010).The think methods were as follows: "We compared monthly infirmary admissions from Jan 2004 finished May 2008 for these direct diagnoses and 4 diagnoses not related with SHS [secondhand smoke] (appendicitis, kidney stones, accent cholecystitis, and ulcers) for Arizona counties with preexisting county or municipal respiration bans and counties with no preceding bans. We attributed reductions in admissions to the statewide forbiddance if they occurred only in diagnoses related with SHS and if they were larger in counties with no preceding bans."The results were reportable as follows: "Statistically momentous reductions in infirmary admissions were seen for AMI, angina, stroke, and asthma in counties with no preceding bans over whatwas seen in counties with preceding bans."The think concludes: "Arizonaâs statewide respiration forbiddance attenuated infirmary admissions for AMI, stroke, asthma, and angina."The authors also hold that the respiration forbiddance resulted in a outlay savings of $16.8 million during its prototypal 13 months cod to reduced infirmary admissions for cardiovascular disease and asthma.The Rest of the StoryAlthough it would be a wonderful abstract if the respiration forbiddance led to much a drastic fall in cardiovascular disease admissions, the problem is that for 83% of the state's population, there was a momentous process in hunch attacks related with the feat of the statewide respiration ban, according to the study.For the counties in which a work respiration ban, but not necessarily a forbid or edifice respiration ban, was in locate in at least digit municipality during the punctuation 2004-2007 -- which attain up 83% of Arizona's accumulation -- the think fails to encounter some fall in hunch attacks. In fact, it reports a momentous process in hunch attacks related with the feat of the statewide respiration forbiddance in 2007-2008 (see Figure 1a). In these counties, the evaluate of hunch move admissions - which had been steadily dropping preceding to the respiration forbiddance - actually started to process after the statewide respiration ban. And again, these counties counterbalance the resistless eld of the state's population.While the investigators materialize to dismiss this problem by arguing that the statewide respiration forbiddance would not be cod to lower hunch attacks in the "ban counties" because they already had respiration bans in place, this account is not plausible. The forbiddance counties were those which but had to hit digit municipality with meet a work respiration law. These are not counties which had stringent, broad respiration bans that included all hospitality establishments, like restaurants and bars. Exposure to old respiration in typical workplaces (non-hospitality workplaces) is quite baritone and digit would not expect that a work respiration forbiddance that excluded exerciser and restaurants would hit much gist on reducing old respiration exposure.Moreover, the spreading of these bans to allow exerciser and restaurants would - according to the conclusions of anti-smoking groups - termination in a momentous fall in hunch attacks.By including some respiration bans, not meet meaning laws that decimate respiration in exerciser and/or restaurants, in the comparability group, the think managed to display an "intervention" assemble that was abominably unrepresentative. These were communities that were so farther behindhand the nowadays (and probably, with a large proportion of smokers in their populations) that not a single municipality in their jurisdictions had even enacted a accumulation to protect workers in duty workplaces.In fact, the think acknowledges that the sectionalization of counties into "ban counties" and "non-ban counties" was essentially a sectionalization of counties into "urban" versus "rural" regions, respectively. There are so some added differences between cityfied and agricultural regions that digit cannot validly ingest cityfied regions as a comparability assemble to judge the secular trends in hunch attacks in agricultural regions. But this is just what this think did.The damage of the study, then, is that it utilised a comparability assemble that was not comparable. It utilised cityfied regions as a comparability assemble to judge the baseline trends in hunch attacks in agricultural regions. The demand of similarity between these groups renders the think epistemology flawed.There are a number of reasons why agricultural regions would be cod to holdup behindhand cityfied regions in cost of the secular fall in cardiovascular disease that has been observed in past years. Differences in admittance to treatment, higher respiration rates, and differences in added risk factors for cardiovascular disease would all be cod to endeavor a role. What we are possibly observing in this think -- and a plausible, alternative account for the findings that the think cannot conception discover -- is that cardiovascular disease improvements that had already occurred in cityfied areas started to finally distribute to agricultural regions. The important saucer is that the think is not confident of ruling discover this possibility; thus, it cannot validly hold that the observed fall in cardiovascular disease in the agricultural areas was imputable to the statewide respiration ban.What is interesting to me is that although the think attributes the fall in hunch attacks in agricultural regions to the respiration ban, it refuses to concept the process in hunch attacks observed in cosmopolitan regions to the respiration ban. Conveniently, it offers added explanation: there must be some added bourgeois involved.But if there is some added bourgeois that explains the process in hunch attacks in cityfied regions, could not that aforementioned added bourgeois vindicate the decrease in hunch attacks in agricultural regions. You can't set forward a method and that reject that method when the findings don't become discover the way you would like. But that's just what this think does.The think argues: "The statistically momentous process seen in AMI would be even harder to vindicate as being caused by the statewide ban. ... These changes are probable because of an process in causal factors for AMI or for its diagnosis added than the statewide ban."In added words, the observed personalty in agricultural counties (favorable) are imputable to the respiration ban, but the observed personalty in cityfied counties (unfavorable) are not. This is understandably post-hoc rational that is not conformable with the methods set discover in the paper.The rest of the news is that this think unsuccessful to encounter some gist of the statewide respiration forbiddance on hunch attacks among 83% of the accumulation of Arizona, despite the fact that the resistless eld of that accumulation was not awninged by smoke-free forbid and edifice ordinances preceding to the statewide law. The think is thus inconsistent with the conclusions of anti-smoking groups that smoke-free edifice laws termination in an unmediated and dramatic fall in hunch attacks.Once again, I would love nothing more than to wager documentation of an unmediated fall in hunch attacks cod to respiration bans, since I hit devoted a momentous assets of my occupation to employed for much laws. However, the existing grounds only doesn't support much a conclusion. And this think is no exception. In fact, if anything, this think provides grounds that no much gist occurred in salutation to the Arizona respiration ban.Of course, this doesn't mean that the respiration bans are not justified. It only means that anti-smoking advocates should not attain simulated promises about the unmediated declines in hunch attacks that module termination from much policies.
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