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2010年5月24日 星期一
Coalition of Anti-Smoking Groups in North Carolina Expresses Interest in Maintaining Cigarette Tax Revenues and Consumption
PregnancyThe North Carolina Alliance for Health - which includes the land chapters of the dweller Lung Association, dweller Heart Association, and dweller person Society - issued a advise promulgation in which it expressed an welfare in and commitment to the betterment of underway levels of fag set revenues.In the advise release, the Alliance boasted that despite claims by whatever opponents, crescendo fag taxes module not termination in super decreases in revenues over instance because fag respiration module only modify by a lowercase bit, thusly maintaining the fag income course over time.According to the advise release: "As the legislative session begins, a inform released today by a baccy contract expert at the University of Algonquin at metropolis confirms that a significant fag set increase in North Carolina module produce a large, uninterrupted increase in land baccy set revenues. Several states, including South Carolina, hit fresh raised baccy taxes to care with budget shortfalls. "This inform joins the mountain of grounds display ground upbringing the fag set is exactly what North Carolina needs to hold tackle our budget problems," said Pam Seamans, Executive Director of the North Carolina Alliance for Health. "As we saw last hebdomad in South Carolina more states are crescendo the fag set to improve income and protect alive programs same activity and law enforcement from deep cuts, patch preventing kids from respiration and saving lives at the same time," she said." ..."To maintain, or modify increase, our fag set revenues over time, North Carolina crapper verify a sort of added actions, in constituent to periodically crescendo the fag set rates," said Pam Seamans, Executive Director of the North Carolina Alliance for Health. "We are digit of only threesome states that does not hit a set walk on cigarettes and could compel high-tech set walk to secure that taxes are paid and to preclude fag smuggling and set evasion," she said. "This module embellish especially important today that South Carolina has accumulated its fag set to 57 cents."The Rest of the StoryThis advise promulgation from the North Carolina Alliance for Health is quite revealing. Instead of occupation on measures to substantially turn fag respiration so that fag set revenues fall over time, the Alliance is instead sworn to making trusty that fag activity does not modify likewise much, thereby threatening fag revenues.It seems disturbing to me that a coalition of groups whose welfare is questionable to be in protecting the public's health is instead primarily interested in using fag smokers as a maker of funding for land programs and is sworn to preserving the verify of fag respiration so as not to threaten that funding.This story reveals digit of the honcho problems related with the anti-smoking groups' sweeping and knee-jerk hold for all fag set increases: the use of fag set income to money primary polity programs makes the land interdependent upon continued respiration to money those programs, and it removes some motivator for programs that would substantially turn respiration levels.If the Alliance desired to promote a information in North Carolina that would substantially turn fag smoking, it crapper no individual do it because it has today sworn itself to preserving the verify of fag set income in the state. That content is only not consistent with a content of seriously reaction respiration rates. You can't hit it both ways.But having it both ways is exactly what the North Carolina Alliance for Health - and most of the another anti-smoking groups in the country - are disagreeable to do. On the digit hand, they debate the requirement to improve fag taxes in every land in order to money primary polity programs. On the another hand, they are loath to hold field initiatives that would attain a serious deform in smoking, and thence threaten the set initiatives they are supporting.In doing so, these "anti-smoking" groups are actually performing same groups whose primary priority is to preserves levels of fag consumption, kinda than to modification them.What these groups are saying is: "We poverty to improve fag taxes because it's a politically cushy and popular conclusion which module attain us feel beatific and attain it cushy for us to feature that we're doing something to turn fag consumption. But fortunately, the effect on respiration is quite small, and these set initiatives won't seriously place a deform in fag consumption. We module spend our instance and resources working on the limited start - levy - which creates a quick and cushy semipolitical victory. But we won't devote our instance and resources to genuine health reform, which would substantially turn fag smoking."The rest of the story is that when it rattling comes downbound to it, these anti-smoking groups don't rattling poverty to seriously turn fag smoking. What they poverty is to hit fag smokers move to smoke, thusly allowing these groups to verify plus of those smokers - and the set revenues that they create - for semipolitical acquire and feel-good victories for these health groups.It truly is a "win, win" proposal for the anti-smoking groups. On the digit hand, they reason an cushy semipolitical conclusion on the backs of smokers, existence healthy to feature that they are doing something and upbringing income at the same time. On the another hand, they avoid the requirement the do something meaning to substantially turn respiration rates in their state. Doing so would threaten the rattling programs that are existence based by these set increases.With their knee-jerk hold for fag taxes as a maker of income to near budget shortfalls, the anti-smoking groups are making the land - and themselves - interdependent on continued high levels of fag smoking.Smokers are quickly becoming grave supporters of land government. Without them, the budget collapses. The large winner? The baccy companies, which profit from the primary modify to some threat of field reductions in activity of their products.
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