PregnancyIllegal immigrant, Jose Madrigal, was deported at least quaternary times in the time 15 years for rape, according to KIRO Radio. Guess what? He's back! Madrigal has been accused of ravishment again. He allegedly raped a blackamoor behindhand an Edmonds, Wa., mart story last Sunday. An officer responding to a woman's cry for support Sun period found 46-year-old Jose Madrigal on top of the blackamoor and arrested him. According to court documents, the woman told police that Madrigal had followed her and offered her $35 for sex, but she said no. She said Madrigal then forced her into the bushes on the northerly lateral of the accumulation and raped her. Documents say Madrigal told police "Sometimes we hit curb in our brains, but we attain mistakes." The 28-year-old Edmonds blackamoor was aerated at a hospital. Snohomish County prosecutors hit live Madrigal in regularise court with second degree rape. He is also is being held for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Source: KTVB.comThis a maturity reason why so many Americans are against banned migration and the fact that our borders are likewise porous and dirtbags like Jose Madrigal crapper assail our country.

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