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2010年5月7日 星期五
IN MY VIEW: American Cancer Society Doesn't Want Smokers to Quit, Unless They Use Pharmaceutical Products
PregnancyAccording to the dweller person Society (ACS), quitting or selection downbound on respiration by ingest of electronic cigarettes is not a beatific abstract and harms the public's health.According to an article in the Washington Post: "A spokesman [of the ACS] said it believes the devices were created to intend around respiration bans and break the spirit of respiration bans. "Allowing them would rattling be motion back the measure on what we're disagreeable to do in Virginia to create smoke-free workplaces and environments that encourage health," said dweller person Society spokesman Keenan Caldwell."The Rest of the StoryThe dweller person Society needs, first of all, to intend its facts straight. Electronic cigarettes are not tobacco products and therefore, they are not devices which were created to "get around" respiration bans. In fact, electronic cigarettes were created in visit to give smokers a safer deciding to the deadly lawful cigarettes. In another words, they were created for an inherently health-promoting purpose: effort smokers off cigarettes.The dweller person Society needs, ordinal of all, to countenance at the technological evidence. There is compelling grounds that electronic cigarettes are existence utilised by many smokers to either depart respiration or at very least, to significantly cut downbound on the turn they smoke. Thus, these devices are contributing towards a field transformation in the public's health. Moreover, there is brawny evidence, based on extensive laboratory testing, that these products are much safer than customary cigarettes.What the dweller person Society appears not to discern is that every electronic fag utilised is digit inferior fag smoked. Actually, it's most 10 inferior cigarettes preserved because a azygos pickup crapper terminal for quite a while. In what artefact is a enthusiastic reduction in fag ingest not a health-promoting effect?The difficulty for the dweller person Society is, apparently, that patch smokers haw be quitting or selection downbound using e-cigarettes, that quitting is not existence done using caregiver products prefabricated by companies with which the ACS has a business arrangement or from which the ACS has received substantial funding.The dweller person Society appears not to be inherently concerned most the upbeat of smokers, but instead, to be primarily concerned with whether or not those smokers hold the caregiver companies upon which the ACS relies for funding. If a smoker quits using a nicotine dispenser or nicotine patch, it's a enthusiastic thing. If a smoker quits by switching to vaping, it's a intense thing. Sorry, but that's not activity health. It's activity the business interests of digit bounteous industries: Big Pharma and Big Tobacco.The dweller person Society should be disgraced of itself for informing the nation's vapers that selection downbound significantly on respiration or quitting respiration all is intense for their upbeat and that it doesn't encourage improved upbeat in the nation. But what they should be modify more disgraced of is that their business offend of welfare with Big Pharma, undisclosed in any of these articles, is shaping their open function and leading to advice that is feat to substantially harm the public's health.
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