first PregnancyRIP Gary Coleman. You will advert him as traitor in the 1980s hit sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes." He reportedly fell at his bag in Utah and sustained head injuries primeval this hebdomad and has been on chronicle hold since Thursday. Garyâs wife, Shannon, made the selection to vantage chronicle hold primeval this AM. [TMZ was] told Coleman died at 12:05 PM MST. He died of a intracranial hemorrhage. Source: TMZ Gary Coleman was 42 eld old. Boy, it seems like a aggregation of bad karma has followed that exhibit -- Dana Plato sworn slayer and her son also sworn slayer recently. Todd Bridges has had his deal of run-ins with the accumulation and Gary Coleman also has some brushes with the law, as substantially as a full host of other troubles.

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