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2010年5月13日 星期四
Why is the American Lung Association Not Even Willing to Look at the Scientific Evidence?
first PregnancyThere are at least 12 laboratory studies of the constituents of electronic cigarettes. These studies hit defined the chemical make-up of the liquid utilised in electronic cigarettes and therefore, provide an communication of the potential exposures of electronic fag users. The studies demonstrate, quite convincingly, that these products are far safer alternatives to fag smoking. No tobacco is present, there are exclusive traces of tobacco-specific nitrosamines, the essential non-nicotine ingredients - propylene antifreeze and glycerin - are mostly constituted as safe, and the tests unsuccessful to expose momentous amounts of some chemical that is known to bear material upbeat hazards.However, as I revealed yesterday, the dweller Lung Association has ostensibly exclusive considered the results of digit of these studies. As I wrote yesterday: According to Connecticut's NBC affiliate, the dweller Lung Association is telling the open that there has been exclusive digit laboratory think conducted on electronic cigarettes: "We asked experts if e-cigs are safer than old-fashioned cigs. Michelle Marichal, of the dweller Lung Association, said the juryâs still out. 'We're reluctant because there hit been no studies finished eliminate for digit diminutive digit by the FDA... ."Here are course to the added studies that hit defined the chemical constituents of electronic fag cartridges or vapor:Study 1Study 2Study 3Study 4Study 5Study 6Study 7Study 8Study 9Study 10Study 11The Rest of the StoryThe most disturbing aspect of the dweller Lung Association's transmission of misinformation to the open most the relative country of cigarettes compared to electronic cigarettes (they are equally safe, according to the ALA), is that the Lung Association's open statements are ostensibly the termination of a rattling deficient analyse of the technological evidence. By its possess admission, the ALA has exclusive reviewed digit report. Even that inform has been misinterpreted, since it actually demonstrates that the levels of the identified tobacco-specific nitrosamines in electronic cigarettes are miniscule. They are aforementioned to levels institute in nicotine replacement products.I conceive that if an methodicalness is going to attain open recommendations most an supply as essential to people's upbeat as whether or not they are better off using electronic cigarettes than smoking, it has an obligation to first analyse the available technological grounds -- every of it, not just the think or studies it believes are approbatory to its cause.The Lung Association's failure to modify study the technological grounds is particularly shameful because we are conversation here most people's lives. If doctors made upbeat recommendations to patients without bothering to analyse the evidence, it would be malpractice. Public upbeat organizations, I believe, deal the aforementioned obligation to attain upbeat recommendations that are based on the available evidence, rather than on pure speculation or ideology.The ALA is sure entitled to interpret the technological studies differently than me, but to not modify countenance at the studies before making its open recommendations is irresponsible and is a injury to its constituents and the public.
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