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2010年5月17日 星期一
Anti-Smoking Groups Refute Contention that Cigarettes are More Dangerous than Tobacco-Free Nicotine Delivery System, Call for Statewide Bans on E-Cigs
Pregnancy first trimesterIn a contract counselling writing issued for its constituents, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, dweller Heart Association, dweller Lung Association, and dweller person Society verify supply with the contention that active respiration is more dangerous for you than inhaling vapor from a tobacco-free creation that delivers gas glycol, glycerin, nicotine, and exclusive traces of tobacco-specific nitrosamines, at levels up to 1400 times modify than in cigarettes.In doing so, these anti-smoking groups hit gone further modify than Big Tobacco. Even the tobacco companies do not verify that their products are no more dangerous than electronic nicotine conveying systems (e-cigarettes).Nevertheless, the anti-smoking groups verify that they do not undergo sufficiency to be healthy to verify the open that respiration is more dangerous than vaping. According to the contract counselling document: "Eâcigarettes are batteryâpowered nicotine breath devices that verify to deliver nicotine to the individual finished a vaporized gas antifreeze solution. Eâcigarette manufacturers and retailers are making unproven upbeat claims most their products â" asserting that they are safe or safer than tralatitious cigarettes. ... The upbeat claims existence prefabricated by eâcigarette companies are misleading and banned low federal law."The anti-smoking groups encourage their essential groups to encourage land laws that forbiddance the understanding of electronic cigarettes. Further, they propose their constituents to rebut laws that would veto the understanding of electronic cigarettes to minors. Only laws that completely illegalise the understanding of electronic cigarettes are to be supported: "Our organizations support governing that would veto every income of eâcigarettes until these products are authorised by FDA. Bans on the understanding of eâcigarettes should veto every income and refrain including eâcigarettes in youngness access laws while at the aforementioned instance allowing income to adults to continue."The Rest of the StoryYou hit got to be kidding me. These anti-smoking groups do not hit sufficiency information to be healthy to conclude that fag smoking, which kills hundreds of thousands of Americans apiece year, is more dangerous than a device which "delivers nicotine to the individual finished a vaporized gas antifreeze solution."It doesn't verify a rocket anti-smoking assemble to be healthy to turn discover that inhaling nicotine nonnegative more than 10,000 chemicals - including 60 carcinogens - is more dangerous than inhaling nicotine without those 10,000 nonnegative chemicals and carcinogens. In fact, the rattling think to which the contract counselling writing refers - the bureau work think - confirms that there are exclusive trace levels of carcinogens in electronic fag cartridges, comparable to the levels institute in nicotine equal products.If these anti-smoking groups are not certain that electronic cigarettes are safer than smoking, then there is no artefact they should be certain that the use of nicotine equal therapy is safer than smoking. After all, the levels of carcinogens in these digit types of products are virtually identical. How could it be that nicotine equal products bear a such modify carcinogenic risk than smoking, while electronic cigarettes don't, if both products include the aforementioned turn of carcinogens?More disturbing than these groups' apparent scientific incompetence is the fact that they are promoting a contract which would cause nonindulgent alteration to the public's health. Banning electronic cigarettes would force thousands of vapers who hit successfully depart respiration to convey to cigarettes. The result? Increased disease and death.That these groups are urging their constituents to rebut laws to forbiddance the understanding of electronic cigarettes to conference is modify more appalling. They are willing to kill the upbeat endorsement of conference in visit to encourage their philosophic position: that the rattling act of hunting same you're respiration is unacceptable, modify if by doing so you hit become an ex-smoker.Most disturbing, and unethical, is the fact that these groups - in their contract counselling writing - change to disclose their business offend of interest: their acknowledgement of resource from caregiver companies which manufacture respiration halt medications.Banning the understanding of electronic cigarettes would goodness digit field industries: Big Tobacco and Big Pharma. Every electronic fag used is digit inferior fag smoked and/or digit inferior understanding of a nicotine equal or another respiration halt caregiver product. Thus, some business offend of welfare with caregiver companies must be revealed in a contract writing which is promoting a forbiddance on the understanding of electronic cigarettes. But these organizations hit failed to disclose their conflicts of interest.By promoting bans on electronic cigarettes, the anti-smoking groups are - erst again - doing a huge souvenir for Big Tobacco. Such policies would help protect Big Tobacco profits by ensuring that a creation which is existence used by some vapers as a rattling successful strategy for keeping soured cigarettes is taken soured the market.The rest of the news is that the anti-smoking groups are ostensibly more afraid most ideology than most the lives of smokers. Better that ex-smokers who hit depart without the assistance of Big Pharma products be forced to convey to fag respiration than that they rest soured cigarettes, but continue to go finished a change that looks same fag smoking.
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